Ray  Gen, Ed. D.

Chapman University

ED 551 Educational Application of Computers

Term C  2006 (June 15 - Aug 10)

Thursdays 5:00 pm -9:30 pm (face-to-face & online)


Contact Information:


Dr. Ray Gen
gen@chapman.edu (turn in assignments - checked only weekly)

rgen@esusd.k12.ca.us (day)
raygen@earthlink.net (evening)

AOL Instant Message ID  
docraygen (I’m online most evenings)

310.615.2662 ext 231 (office checked once a weekday)



I encourage you to contact me beyond the class meetings if you have any questions about the assignments. I have provided my contact information in the hope that you will use it if you so desire or need.


Course Syllabus

Catalogue Description:

The course provides an overview of current computer-based technologies used in a variety of educational settings within and across all curriculum content areas. Emphasis is on making significant changes in teaching and learning through technology by providing a match between instructional strategies and relevant technologies. Focus is on information and communication technologies as a means of gathering, processing, and communicating information. Critical issues include access, equity, privacy, safety and ethical situations surrounding technology. Hardware and software applications will be evaluated as effective tools of instruction for a constructivist learning environment.

Required Reading:

Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2001) Understanding by design. Upper Saddle River: Merrill. 


Recommended Reading:


Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold & underused: Computers in the classroom. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Jonassen, D. H. (2000). Computers as mindtools for schools. New Jersey: Merrill.


Means, B. (ed) (1994) Technology and education reform: The reality behind the promise. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.


Parsons, J., Oja, D., Ageloff, R., & Zimmermann, B. B. (1999) New perspectives on Microsoft Office 2000, 1st course enhanced. New York: Course Technology.
(THE manual)


Class Info:

Back: Erin, Crystal, Jane, Ann-Marie, Stephanie, Chris, Sarah

Front: Bridget, Laurel






Reading Schedule

Chapman BlackBoard Link


(includes bridge/application to technology)




This schedule is not “set in stone” but will serve as a guideline for our work together. We may need to make adjustments from time to time. Assignments may be added, changed or deleted based class needs. Please visit my web site often for updates and resources.


Week 1 – Theme: The beginning – what schools are doing today…

                Lab Work:                   MS Word – advanced functions  


Reference:                           Technology Assessment


Week 2 – Theme: Access - ONLINE

Lab Work:                    Pre-Formative Technology Assessment
eference:                            Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters  1; GreatSchools


Week 3 – Theme: Privacy and Security

Lab Work:                           Introduction to Excel 


Reference:                            Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters  2 & 3

Week 4 – Theme: Safety               

                Lab Work:                           
Create a PowerPoint presentation that either presents your survey findings or one that you can use in your classroom. Use            

                                                                appropriate animations and sound. 


                                                Academic Chat using instant messaging.

Reference:                            Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters  4 & 5



Week 5 – Theme: Ethics                   

                Presentation:                        PowerPoint 
                Lab Work:                            
Web Design - FrontPage & Netscape Composer                                               

                Reference:                             Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters 6 & 7


Week 6 – Theme: Copyright             

                Lab Work:                             Web Design - FrontPage & Netscape Composer  II

                Reference:                             Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters 8& 9
                                                                 Copyright – see Hall Davidson’s



 Week 7 –  Theme: Hybridizing Classrooms


Presentations:                     Cohort Web Pages   (must have at least 3 internal and 3 external links)

Lab Work:                            Review Hardware/Software Discussion Board;  Professional Web Pages

Reference:                            Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters 10 & 11; Hybrid Classrooms


Week 8 – Theme: Technology & Education Vision

                                                Attendance Online Option

Homework Due:                   Write your vision regarding the use of technology in education.  What will you do with technology? What do you see your students doing?  Include in your Professional Web Pages

                Lab Work:                            Work on professional web site. Vision Statement



Week 9 – Theme: The new beginning – what will you be doing tomorrow?

Presentations:                     Professional Web sites. Please have an introduction, and at least 6 internal and 6 external links. The content is up to you. 


                Reference:                            The Classroom of the Future



Assignments Breakdown:

Discussions 25  
Word 10  
Excel 10  
PowerPoint 15  
Web 1 15  
Web 2 20  
Tech Vision 5  




100%-90%         A

89-80                                B

79-70                                C

69-below                F


Rubric Scoring

Each week, you will self score your performance of the week's lesson. Please email Ray your self-scored rubric assessment and letter grade along with a brief explanation of your assessment when you email your homework.


Rubric Scoring – General Guide

 6 (Truly Exceptional; Superior; Transcendental) The student demonstrates truly exceptional outcomes.  The student transcends most other users. The student demonstrates superlative abilities, superior skills and exceptional attitude. Student products offer unique perspectives. The student demonstrates exceptional intuition when using the application. The student has mastered the application and could teach others how to use it.

 5 (Good; Exceptional; Above-Average) The student demonstrates exceptional outcomes.  The student has better skills than most users. The student demonstrates good abilities, exceptional skills and above average usage. Student products offer exceptional perspectives. The student demonstrates good intuition when using the application.  The student knows what the application is capable of doing and in time can use it with alacrity.

 4 (Accurate; Appropriate; Apt; Suitable; Competent; Common) The student demonstrates accurate and suitable outcomes.  The student is average in comparison. The student demonstrates suitable abilities, competent skills and appropriate attitude. Student products offer common perspectives. The student demonstrates occasional intuitive abilities when using the application.  The student understands the application and has basic skills in that application but still has many questions as to its advanced functions.

3 (Minimal; Rudimentary; Simple; Elementary; Limited) The student demonstrates rudimentary outcomes.  The student is an average or just below average user. The student demonstrates elementary abilities, rudimentary skills and indifferent attitudes. Student products are limited in perspective. The student demonstrates limited intuitive abilities when using the application.  The student outcomes demonstrate simple usage. 

2 (Sub-standard; Minimal; Inappropriate; Inaccurate) The student demonstrates sub-standard outcomes.  The student is a below average user. The student demonstrates minimal abilities, sub-standard skills and poor attitudes. Student products do not work well and are inappropriate. The student demonstrates a lack of intuitive abilities when using the application.  The student outcomes demonstrate minimal ability and usage..

1 (Negligible; Off-task; Inappropriate; Faulty) The student demonstrates sub-standard outcomes.  The student is well below the average user.  The student demonstrates negligible abilities, sub-standard skills and inappropriate attitudes. Student products do not work or are off-task. The student demonstrates a lack of intuitive abilities.  The student outcomes demonstrate a faulty understanding of the application.