Week 6 – Theme: Copyright


                Lab Work:                            Web Pages (cont.)
                                                                Review of educational software/hardware - research

                                                                Discussion Boards

                Reference:                            Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J:  Chapters 8 & 9; Copyright – see Hall Davidson’s





In Instant Messenger, we will be discussing copyright issues.


Please  read the copyright web page found at



Labwork: Research software or hardware.

Please prepare a review of software or hardware. Due next week.
Describe and analyze a piece of educational hardware, software or web site. Please describe its purpose, intended use and audience/users, its degree of difficulty and its price. Do you think it is a good teaching/learning tool? Would you personally recommend it? Would you personally buy it?


Don't forget - next week you will also be presenting your personal web pages in class.