Supporting the Schools of El Segundo, California
    The El Segundo Education Foundation's  
  Summer Academy 2014  



Elementary School Courses
Middle School Courses

High School Non-Credit Courses
High School Credit Recovery Courses
High School Advanced Credit Courses  

Student Behavior



The Summer Academy has adopted El Segundo High School's behavioral expectations. Thus student behavior, attitude and decorum in the Summer Academy is no different from the expectations of ESHS students in the regular school year. The following is excerpted from the ESHS Student Handbook with minor modifications.


Make a choice to do your best; be honest; be loyal; honor your commitments; and keep your word.
Make a choice to treat others with courtesy and respect.
Make the choice to think before you act; consider the consequences; and be accountable.
Make the choice to play by the rules; do your share; and be charitable.

· Show respect and consideration for others and their property.
· Be on time, prepared, and actively involved in teaching and learning.
· Practice courteous and ethical behavior.
· Follow directions with a positive attitude and make your best effort at all times.
· Take the initiative to solve problems positively.
· Show pride and loyalty for yourself and your surroundings.

Academic Integrity Policy
ESHS students are expected to exhibit academic integrity and honesty at all times. This includes, but is not limited to the following:
1. Completing assignments on time.
2. Doing their own work, except when group effort work is specified.
3. Following school rules and copyright laws.
4. Practicing ethical behavior and making positive choices.

Definition of cheating:
Cheating encompasses taking credit for someone else’s work or providing information to other students.
Methods of cheating include
• Copying or sharing answers on assignments or tests
• Discussing test questions
• Plagiarizing
• Unauthorized use of electronics

The expectations and consequences apply throughout the Summer Academy.
1st Offense 
􀂃 Zero on assignment
􀂃 Teacher notifies parents of infraction
􀂃 Behavior Contract is written by administrator/designee/counselor

2nd Offense 
􀂃 Removal from class
􀂃 No refund
􀂃 Student's file will be noted

Dress Code

Students are expected to maintain an appearance that reflects learning as a priority. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not create a health or safety hazard or be a distraction which would interfere with the educational process.

The following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities:
1. Footwear must be worn at all times.
2. Hats/caps may not be worn in classrooms, library, cafeteria, and school offices. (Ed Code)
3. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments and private body parts at all times. See-through fabrics, halter-tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, tube tops/dresses, bare midriffs and shorts skirts or shorts are not permitted.

Dress Code Violation

Detention will be assigned for a dress code violation and students will be asked to change clothes to correct the violation. Continued defiance may result in removal from class with no refund.  Gang attire or clothing with offensive symbols/language. weapons, drugs/paraphernalia, alcohol, tobacco, etc. as per Ed Code are not permitted. If a student wears inappropriate clothing, parents may be called to bring a change of clothing. When a student violates the head covering rule, the hat may be confiscated and returned the last week of the semester or following a parent conference. The El Segundo Education Foundation, The Summer Academy,  ESHS, nor any of its personnel will be responsible for loss of confiscated items.