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The Summer Academy is an accelerated summer program. One
day of class is equivalent to a week of classes during the regular school
year. Failure to attend class regularly jeopardizes your chances for
academic success. You will be dropped from the class if you are absent from
the class for more than one day per semester in a credit class. There are NO
excused absences. Instructors may decide if make-up days or assignments are
appropriate. In addition to regular class attendance, punctuality is expected. You are considered tardy if you are not in your assigned seat by the beginning of class and after the breaks. Four tardies are equivalent to one absence. If you exceed the maximum number of absences or tardies, you will automatically lose academic credit and will be dismissed form the summer Academy. Under these circumstances, tuition and fee are forfeited. Instructors may decide if make-up times or assignments for tardies are appropriate. |