The El Segundo Education Foundation's  
  Summer Academy 2014  



Elementary School Courses
Middle School Courses

High School Non-Credit Courses
High School Credit Recovery Courses
High School Advanced Credit Courses  

High School Level Courses: Non-Credit  

Summer Basketball Camp

Coach Simon (ESHS Coach) email
June 16-July18
7:00-8:30 - upper division basketball (Main)
8:30-10:00 - lower division basketball (Main)
10:00-11:15 - strength and agility (Weight room)
11:15-12:30/1:00* - upper division basketball (Main)
High School Gym
Cost $175

Basketball camps can cost a fortune and this class is a five week opportunity to transform your game day by day.  The Coach Simon Fundamental Basketball Camp is a rigorous class used to optimally develop student athletes for competitive high school basketball. Students will be expected to train working on the following skills: General defensive principles, boxing out, taking a charge, footwork, pivoting, passing, protecting, dribbling, creating passing lanes, shooting, individual position skills, etc.  In addition, curriculum will include lessons on the principles of campus leadership, athletic dieting, communication, and preparing for college level basketball.

More information.


(High School boys and girls only - incoming ninth graders are invited!)