Ray Gen, Ed. D.

Loyola Marymount University


MS Excel: Advance Applications

Statistical Analyses Demonstration. Download Data        See survey

        Sample Data - graphs and charts demo.                   

See Excel work in School Reports.

EXCEL Lab Work       

1. Arrange your data in columns.

2. Find the Sum, Average, Count, Min, and Max of one of your numeric data.

3. Sort data in one of your columns without confusing the other columns.

4. Find totals for your columns and type in excel.

5. Make charts and tables of your data.

6. Use Excel to draw illustrations of your survey/data.

7. Make an organizational chart of your school.                                         

            Tech Journal - reflect on your ability in MS Excel in BlackBoard.

For tutorials in Microsoft Excel see Internet4Classrooms
see also Florida Gulf Coast tutorial for Excel