Entries Category Submitter
Is the Internet Affecting the Social Skills of Our Children?
Bob Affonso (1999) < www.sierrasource.com/cep612/internet.html > [7 Dec 04]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This site is an article on wether or not the internet affects the social skills of children. The notable features of this site is are the different sections it is broken dow into (Just the Facts, Questions Arise, Is it addictive, Effects On Our Children, Encouraging Trends, Awareness Is the Key, and the Conclusion). Notable Quote: "Despite the alarm, research indicates most children are doing fine." I like this site because as a fifth grade teacher that encourages his students to use the internet I want to know that I am not sending them down the wrong path.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
NASA Quest
< quest.arc.nasa.gov/ > [12 Dec 04]
Case Study  Lawrence Anter 
This site is a Global Learning type site with activities for students interested in NASA. Some notable features of the site are all of the different activities for students related to science and outerspace. They also have an events calendar and a bio of the week. Quote: "Dedicated to bringing NASA people, space, and science to the classrooms through the Internet." The reason I like this site for the topic of bringing the internet into the classrooms is because it is a great example of Global Learning Projects, which can be great additions to your class projects.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Guidelines for Web Design
C. Tohsaku (1997) < cybermed.ucsd.edu/Web_design/group.html > [9 Jan 05]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website gives guidelines for building a dynamic web team.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics For The Online Professor
Kathleen King < ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw99/papers/king/paper.html > [9 Jan 05]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website provides information on group dynamics of online classes. It is geared towards the Professor. Some notable features are the sections on ,"The Tradition of Educational Groups", "Two Theories of Group Dynamics", and "Online Groups Differ From Face to Face Groups". "Online groups are different from traditional groups because they lack the face-to-face contact so important to us as human beings." I picked this site because it is a good piece for anybody that is thinking about teaching online. Me included!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Conflict Resolution Page
Dimo Yagcioglu (2002) < www.geocities.com/Athens/8945/ > [11 Jan 05]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website is focused on conflict resolution. Some notable features of this site is all the links about conflict resolution. This site is great for anyone that finds themselves in the middle of an internet conflict. It leads you to great ideas to solve your conflicts.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Andrew Heenan's Guide to Flaming
Andrew Heenan < www.advicemeant.com/flame/ > [11 Jan 05]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
Defines what flaming is and situations inwhich it occurs. A notable feature of this site is the discription of what flaming is and all the links to various aspects of flaming, like winning, strategy, threats, lawsuits, cross roasting, etc. "Flaming is one of the curses of the internet - and yet how many people who have ever joined in a discussion can say they have never flamed - or at least been tempted?" This site is great because it gives someone new to the concept of flaming a great explination of what it is.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Karen Thomas < www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2001-06-21-teens-im-main.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Lawrence Anter 
This website is an article on teenagers and Instant Messaging. It gives a bunch of statistics about the use of Instant Messaging by teens. "Many teens now give out their user name instead of their phone number to potential friends and dates." I thought this was a good site for my case study because it gave me statistics to throw in the article  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Student Center-Teenblogs
< teenblogs.studentcenter.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Lawrence Anter 
This site allows you to read and start teen blogs. I used this stie to research teen blogs. I thought is was a great tool to gain some insite into the world of teen blogs.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
T.H.E Journal
< www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/M2673.cfm > [24 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Lawrence Anter 
I chose this journal because it is focused on education and technology. I think it would be a great resource for teachers that are struggling with the same issues I presented in my article.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Computers in the Schools
< www.haworthpressinc.com/store/product.asp?sku=J025 > [24 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Lawrence Anter 
I chose this article because it is directly related to my article. It is an entire magazine dedicated to the use of computers in the classroom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Education Psychology Topics
< www.mhhe.com/socscience/education/edpsych/edpsytop.html > [18 Nov 04]
Case Study  Lawrence Anter 
The site was Copywritten by McGraw-Hill in 1998 This website provides tons of links to various topics in Education Psychology. The notable features are that the links are broken down into categories like "Perspectives On Teaching", "Development of Students", and "Learning Theories and Practice", just to name a few. It is not the type of site to have an important quote. I like this site because it will be a great starting point for future webliographies and the other projects.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Journal of Education Psychology
© 2004 American Psychological Association < www.apa.org/journals/edu.html > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website contains articles written for the Journal Of Education Psychology Some notable features are the contents link for the current issue and the "Manuscript Submission Portal, guides you in submitting an article.There are no notable quotes. I like this site because it provides a wealth of articles in the area of Education Psychology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Helping Your Child Learn Math
Patsy F. Kanter < www.kidsource.com/kidsource/Content/learnmath_index.html > [25 Nov 04]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website gives tips and suggestions for parents on motivating students with their math. This site would be great for teachers to print out the info and give to the parents of their students. Some notable features are the Forums link adnthe Related Articles links. An important quote from the site is, "Most parents will agree that it is a wonderful experience to cuddle up with their child and a good book. Few people will say that about flash cards or pages of math problems."   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How Children Learn-and Why Some Don't
Harpo Productions, Inc < www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/tows_2002/tows_past_20020327.jhtml > [25 Nov 04]
Case Study  Lawrence Anter 
This website covers a story presented on the Oprah Winfrey show about getting students to use their strengths to overcome their weaknesses. This website provides links to books of the man behind the learning theories, Dr. Levine. It also provides related links on the subject of How students learn. Quote: "Education expert and pediatrician Dr. Mel Levine says that every child has their own formula for success." This is a great website because it highlights a working scholar and his great concept to get students to utilize their strengths to overcome their weaknesses.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Wired Classroom - Creating Technology Enhanced Student-Centered Learning Environments
Jamie McKenzie (1998) < www.fno.org/mar98/flotilla.html > [1 Dec 04]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website begins by discussing the idea that having a classroom that is wired for the internet doesn't mean that the technology will necessarily enhance students learning. The site goes on to explain what a technology enhanced, student-centered classroom is. A notable feature is the different possibilities for arranging your classroom computers. A great quote is, "Entirely too much attention has been devoted to the wires and the cabling, to the business of connecting classrooms to the Internet. Too many public figures have climbed upon this bandwagon as if the mere act of networking would create some miracle." I like this site because it shows what a technology enhanced student-centered classroom looks like.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Design of Constructivist Learning Environments
< www.coe.missouri.edu/~jonassen/courses/CLE/ > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Lawrence Anter 
This website provides explinations for the different components of a Constructivist Learning Environmnet. Notable features are the great examples. Real projects that utilize the constructivist model. The site also has other great links like Components of CLEs Examples Characteristics of CLEs Instructional Processes in CLEs Design a CLE Theories Discussion Related Web sites Articles Quote; "How will we know if we are engaging students in meaningful learning?" I like this site because it is very detailed and the examples are complete.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology and MI
< www.newhorizons.org/strategies/mi/hoerr.htm > [4 Dec 04]
  Candace Ballard 
This article offers suggestions on how to use various forms of technology to reach multiple intelligences.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
    Candace Ballard 
This is an entertaining article on how to teach students the difference between a number and numeral!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Creative math and multiple intelligence ideas
< www.newhorizons.org/strategies/mi/wahl.htm > [4 Dec 04]
  Candace Ballard 
This article has some very creative ideas on instructing to the multiple intelligence in math.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learner-Centered Classroom
< www.helicon.net/cmckowen/ > [4 Dec 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
This site offers tips on how to easily change your classroom into a learner-centered environment.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ingrating technology with Math and Science
< www.edutopia.org/modules/ms/index.php > [4 Dec 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
This site offers soem nice presentations on the importance of intergrating technology into the classroom to help develop a more learner-centered environment.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Math Anxiety and Learning Styles
< www.mathpower.com/ > [4 Dec 04]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
This is a neat site that is a good model of a webpage for your classroom. It has special sections on math anxiety and identifying your learning style.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Math Challenged?
< www.maa.org/devlin/devlin_1_00.html > [4 Dec 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
This article suggests that people who are math challeged are auditory learners.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Multiple Intelligences
< www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr207.shtml > [4 Dec 04]
  Candace Ballard 
Article describes how a student has a low IQ, but how his teachers view him as a very bright person. Has many good links to other related articles.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Moral and Character Development
W. Huitt < chiron.valdosta.edu/whuitt/col/morchr/morchr.html > [18 Nov 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
An interesting article on how moral development has changed from 1960 to 1990. They have a table that shows some pretty distrubing increases. The article also describes three programs that have been using a moral approach.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Encyclopedia of Educational Technology
Bob Hoffman < coe.sdsu.edu/eet/ > [18 Nov 04]
  Candace Ballard 
This site allows you to search for articles on any topic under Educational Technology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Journal of Educational Technology
< www.ifets.info/ > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Candace Ballard 
A journal that discusses articles on educational technology and their affect on society. It includes articles that deal with psycological issues.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Journal
< www.thejournal.com/ > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Candace Ballard 
This journal focuses on educational technology topics. Each issue deals with a different theme. By the way, this journal is a free subscription!   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Keeping Children Safe Online
< kids.getnetwise.org/safetyguide/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
This site has lots of tips to keep kids safe in cyberspace. It actually breaks it down by age group and gives specific advice for each group.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
An Interactive Story about Internet Safety
< www.disney.co.uk/DisneyOnline/Safesurfing/index.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
This is a really great online lesson about Internet safety. It features the disney character Doug, so this is probably most appropriate for elementary and middle school.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Disney Safety Lesson
< disney.go.com/surfswell/index.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
This is another interactive trip with Mickey and Friends with a lesson in online safety. This one includes information about viruses as well as talking to other online.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How the Internet effects the lives of its users
< members.tripod.com/martyman53/survey/impacts.htm > [17 Jan 05]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
This site offers results and analysis of a survey about Internet use. It covers many of the same topics named in our text.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Young people's use of chat rooms
< www.uclan.ac.uk/facs/science/psychol/Homeoff2.pdf > [17 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Candace Ballard 
results of a study taken place in the United kingdom on young people's use of the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.cknow.com/ckinfo/emoticons.htm > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
Here is a list of emoticons, so that you can better express your online persona!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Addicted to the Internet
< www.selfhelpmagazine.com/articles/internet/eatlife.html > [7 Dec 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
The article discusses being addicted to the internet. It goes into some gender issues.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Email Psychology
< www.selfhelpmagazine.com/articles/internet/features.html > [7 Dec 04]
  Candace Ballard 
This article describes some of the common features of email and the psychology behind them.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Homeschool Mom's multiple online personas
< homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/articles/063002.htm > [14 Dec 04]
  Candace Ballard 
An article that describes this mother's multiple online personas and how she uses and differs each one.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chat room during a meeting
< www.openp2p.com/pub/a/p2p/2002/12/26/inroom_chat.html > [17 Dec 04]
Case Study  Candace Ballard 
This artcile describes an experiement that someone did and allowed the people in the meeting to also be in a chat room at the same time. They found people participating at new and different levels.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynmics on the Internet
< www.gravity7.com/articles_investigations.html > [17 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Candace Ballard 
This is a study of group dynamics on the internet. It includes research and observations.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Fighting fair on the internet
< www.windweaver.com/email.htm > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
Tips on how to fight fairly on the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Email Etiquette
< www.iwillfollow.com/email.htm > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
A Miss Manners guide to writing emails. It discusses flaming towards the end.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How to survive a flaming!
< www.advicemeant.com/flame/ > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Candace Ballard 
This is a guide on surviving any kind of Internet flame that is thrown your way including...stalking, abuse, temper, sarcasm, and insults. It also has a list of the Twelve Commandments of Flaming.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
THE Journal Online: Technological Horizons in Education
< www.thejournal.com/ > [30 Dec 04]
  Debbie Brittenham 
THE Journal is the most widely read education technology publication, serving educators for over 30 years. The paper version is free to educators,and the online journal is archived on ERIC.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
THE Journal Online: Technological Horizons in Education
< www.thejournal.com/ > [30 Dec 04]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Debbie Brittenham 
THE Journal is the most widely read education technology publication, serving educators for over 30 years. The paper version is free to educators,and the online journal is archived on ERIC.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.glef.org/ > [30 Dec 04]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Debbie Brittenham 
Practical, hands-on insight into current trends in education. Includes stories of successful classrooms, documentaries, and free teaching modules. Published by the Gearge Lucas Educational Foundation, it offers free subscriptions for educators. temporarily.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Facilitation in computer-mediated conferencing: Differences in gender discourse
Katy Campbell, University of Alberta (2003) < cauce-aepuc.ca/en/research-projects-1998.asp > [30 Dec 04]
Case Study  Debbie Brittenham 
Abstract about the building of collaborative online communities, this article focuses on the issue of gender and women's ways of knowing in technology-based learning environments in the post-secondary setting. A writing assistance project for distance students.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Rose Is Not Always a Rose
Steve Silberman < hotwired.wired.com/packet/silberman/97/18/index3a.html > [30 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
Description of one researchers foray into online gender deception. This experiment is mentioned in Patricia Wallace's book.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Case Study of Electronic Community Building in a Freshman Dorm
Richard Holeton < www.stanford.edu/~holeton/wired-frosh/index.html > [30 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
As part of a case study on electronic community building in a college freshman dorm, this study analyzed discussion list messages. These email messages were categorized by social purpose and as either forwarded messages or original messages. Forwarded messages, referred to as "noise in the channel." included jokes, polemics about politics or social issues, and electronic chain letters deemed offensive by some participants. It was learned that these messages can often lead to constructive community building.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine
< www.december.com/cmc/ > [31 Dec 04]
  Debbie Brittenham 
CMC provides insight into views and issues about the online world through its monthly magazine archive plus current news feeds.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Behavior OnlLine
Gilbert Levin, Ph.D. (2004) < behavior.net/ > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This site, Behavior OnLine, is the gathering place for Mental Health and Applied Behavioral Science Professionals. Some sections of the site are specific to internet behavior. A section I like the Journal of Online Behavior, a part of the site, which directly applies to this course. Another great feature is the Forum, where discussions on many topics, including internet psychology, are current.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
eNotAlone: Internet Psychology
< www.enotalone.com/Internet-Psychology-656.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This site has a selection of articles and resources related to Internet Psychology, several by John Suler. One article, The Black Hole of Cyberspace, considers moments online when we initiate a communication, and get no response, not even an error message.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Psychology of Cyberspace
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/psycyber.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This site hosts the online version of the book The Psychology of Cyberspace by John Suler, Ph.D. the current expert on cyberpsychology. The entire book is online and hypertext-linked.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Issue of Gender in Online Teaching and Learning
< pdc.cvc.edu/common/article.asp?entry=1&idx=1291 > [15 Jan 05]
Case Study  Debbie Brittenham 
This article addresses the question of whether or not gender identity online is invisible. It is featured in the December 2004 issue of the California Virtual Campus, a Distance Learning program   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Great Ideas in Personality- Theory and Research
G. Scott Acton, Ph.D < www.personalityresearch.org/ > [13 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This website deals with scientific research programs in personality psychology. There are also a number of personality tests and a self quiz available, as well as links to other personality websites.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Growing Up Digital: the Rise of the Net Generation
< www.growingupdigital.com > [13 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
N-Geners (the Net Generation, children of Baby Boomers) are the first generatikon to grow up surrounded by digital media. The site, and the book by the same name by Don Tapscott, addresses the influence of technology on society, youth, and the forces of transformation which are poised to emerge out of this trend.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Miles Hewstone AND Ed Cairns < > [5 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This article summarizes several theories and common causes of intergroup conflict. I liked Jonathan Swift's quote that humanity is “the most pernicious race of odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth.” Summary by Tanya Glaser of a book published in 1990.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
INCORE: Conflict Data Service
< www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/services/cds > [5 Jan 05]
Case Study  Debbie Brittenham 
This site focuses on specific conflicts around the world, and includes a database of such conflicts . It offers the latest information on conflicts in specific countries, thematic information as well as interdisciplinary guides on how conflict affects and interacts with other issues and phenomena, as well as peace agreements.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
INCORE: Conflict Data Service
< www.incore.ulst.ac.uk/services/cds > [5 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This site focuses on specific conflicts around the world, and includes a database of such conflicts . It offers the latest information on conflicts in specific countries, thematic information as well as interdisciplinary guides on how conflict affects and interacts with other issues and phenomena, as well as peace agreements.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Cultural Diversity and Gender Equity
Carol S. Holzberg, PhD < > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This article features several resources addressing gender and culture of America's diverse ethnic, religious, and cultural populations. Focus is on equal opportunities for learning success.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Language Style and Group Composition in Internet Discussion Groups
V. Savicki, D. Lingenfelter, M. Kelley < www.ascusc.org/jcmc/vol2/issue3/savicki.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This study focuses on group gender composition and the seeming relatedness between gender roles and group process functions.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Internet and the Family
Joseph Turow < www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/02_reports_releases/report_1999.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This groundbreaking study examines parental attitudes and activities around the Web. The study, in pdf form, is housed on the Annenberg Public Policy site, where you can access up to date studies and research on many topics related to society and technology.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Center for the 4th and 5th Rs.
< www.cortland.edu/character/index.asp > [18 Nov 04]
Case Study  Debbie Brittenham 
The Center for the 4th and 5th Rs serves as a regional, state, and national resource in character education. A national movement, character education is essential to the task of building a moral society and developing schools that are civil and caring communities. I like this site because it outlines a plan for infusing character education into the classroom.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character at Boston University
< www.bu.edu/education/caec/ > [18 Nov 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This program is an adjunct of BU's School of Education. Its purpose is to help teachers, administrators, and parents build good characterin today's students. A quote from the mission: "With intentional, thoughtful character education, schools can become communities in which virtues such as responsibility, hard work, honesty and kindness are taught, expected, celebrated and continually practiced.". Resources and program opportunities. are included.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brain Connection: Education Connection: Applying Brain Research to Teaching and Learning
< brainconnection.com/edu/ > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
Extensive resources relating brain research to learning. There are even games, puzzles, and optical activities for kids. This site also provides research into vision and the brain, a special interest of mine. BrainConnection.com is a Web resource from Scientific Learning.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teaching to the Seven Multiple Intelligences
< www.mitest.com/ > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
Discussion, lesson plans, and research, but also several self-scoring tests categorized age. I have given these to my students. They are simple and short enough for one period, and time for discussion.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Participating in the Culture of the Internet
Claire Bradin Siskin (2004) < edvista.com/claire/pres/netculture3rtesol.html > [25 Jan 05]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
This is an educational portal with several links to internet culture, especially geared to teachers of ESL students.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Research and Practice on How People Learn
Beatrice Bridglall (2001) < iume.tc.columbia.edu/reports/praxis1.html > [1 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
Clear discussion of the research behind our textbook How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice, From the Online Journal Pedagogy and Praxis,   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Creating High-Achieving Learning Environments
Kent Peterson < www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/educatrs/leadrshp/le400.htm > [1 Dec 04]
Weekly  Debbie Brittenham 
Helping teachers create high-achieving learning environments for all students, where the most advanced curriculum and instruction techniques combine to support learning. In a high-achieving learning environment, teachers engage students in complex problem solving and exploring ideas and issues, and classroom activities draw on students' culture, experiences, and knowledge. Issues and ideas are explored in this feature.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
National Science Teachers Association
National Science Teachers Association < www.nsta.org > [25 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Nancy DeLap 
Elementary science teachers publication called Science and Children. Articles published and online. Site also inludes teacher resources and professional development opportunities.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning to use IRC's
Kelsey Publishing Co.-copyright 1997-2004 < www.kelseypub.com/irc > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Background information on the basics of getting started in IRC's. I came across this in getting started on the case study assignment. It starts at the beginning and gives links to get going. It's also a book store site.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Computer Using Educators Newsletter
Computer Using Educators, Inc. < www.cue.org/newsletter/index.html > [28 Nov 04]
  Nancy DeLap 
This is the quarterly newsletter (last posting Fall 2004) for the non-profit educators group. Up-coming conferences are also posted.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Jensen Learning Corporation
Eric Jensen < www.jensenlearning.com/main.html > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Not really a weekly, but a collection of resources using applied brain research and theory.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Jensen Learning Corporation
Eric Jensen < www.jensenlearning.com/main.html > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Not really a weekly, but a collection of resources using applied brain research and theory.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
All Kinds of Minds
Dr. Mel Levine (2004) < www.allkindsofminds.org/ > [21 Nov 04]
  Nancy DeLap 
Research and resources for parents, teachers, and clinicians about optimum learning for all leraners.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Digital Photography Review
Digital Photography Review (2005) < www.dpreview.com > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Nancy DeLap 
A commercial site for the purpose of sharing digital camera specs and photos. Users share experiences and photography tips in threaded discussions.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Online Learning Update
Ray Schroeder (2005) < people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/blogger.html > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Nancy DeLap 
Connected to the University of IIlinois at Springfield, this site is a review of the daily news concerning educational technology, technology and online learning.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Vicky Woodward, Editor-in-chief (2005) < www.xplanazine.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Nancy DeLap 
An online magazine containing teaching, learning, technology, literacy and military schooling.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Jym Brittain < www.technology4teachers.com > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
A link to news feeds, archives and blogs for educational technology  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Wired Magazine
Lycos, Inc. < www.wired.com > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Technology news mixed with culture, business and politics. Beginnings of blog listings.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teachers Network.org
< www.teachersnetwork.org > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Daily classroom specials, lesson plans, videos for teachers, online courses, grants for teachers, talk with teachers, and bookstore.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Cyber Sleuth Kids: Search the Internet
< cybersleuth-kids.com/ > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
A kid friendly search engine organized into categories to drill down for information. Also, a text box to search. Unfortunately, it doesn’t completely shelter students from commercial sites and includes teacher lesson plans, too.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Word Press
< wordpress.org/ > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Software and support for creating your own Blog.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brain Connection
Scientific Learning 2005 < www.brainconnection.com/ > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Applying brain science to teaching and learning. A large site with resources, links, professional development.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Neuroscience for Kids
Eric H. Chudler, Univ. of Washington 2005 < faculty.washington.edu/chudler/neurok.html > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
A kid friendly site with news, puzzles and games about our brains.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
International Brain Research
< www.ibro.org/ > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
News and events from around the world. Newsletter.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Berglund Center for Internet Studies
Pacific University (2004) < bcis.pacificu.edu/index.php > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Research, news, and learning about effects of the Internet on the ways we work, communicate, teach, and learn. Online Journal.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Center for Technology in Learning
SRI International: nonprofit research company. < ctl.sri.com/index.jsp > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
CTL’s mission is to improve learning and teaching through innovation and inquiry. A large research base on effective learning and teaching is cited, and includes research insights in the innovative design, use, and assessment of interactive learning environments.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How Technology Enhances H. Gardner's 8 Intelligences
Dee Dickinson for New Horizons, Inc. (2000) < www.america-tomorrow.com/ati/nhl80402.htm > [9 Jan 05]
Case Study  Nancy DeLap 
Each intelligence is listed and expanded on with a click to view computer-based activities that support it.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Catalyst: Teaching
supported by the University of Washington (2001) < catalyst.washington.edu/method/ > [9 Jan 05]
Weekly  Nancy DeLap 
Many categories of considerations and acitivities for online teaching.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Issues on the Internet
Nicola Jones, Katherine Ladniak, and P.J. O'Sullivan < socserv2.socsci.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/stpp4C03/ClassEssay/gender.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
This site is dedicated to issues concerning gender on the internet. There is a big focus on women and how to manage issues of gender, and internet safety  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender, Sex and the Web
Marj Kibby (2001) < www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/sociol-anthrop/staff/kibbymarj/gender.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
This site provides many valuable links to resources concerning gender issues on the internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Federal Trade Commission: e-Commerce
< www.ftc.gov/bcp/menu-internet.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
Chapter 12, taks about the safety of e-Commerce. This is a guide of e-Commerce for the Federal Trade Commission.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technological Determinism
< www.umsl.edu/~rkeel/280/tecdetrm.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
Chapter 12, discusses technological determinism. This site clarifies and continues the discussion of technological determinism.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Innovations in Online Learning: Moving Beyond No Significant Difference
Carol A. Twigg < www.center.rpi.edu/PewSym/mono4.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of learning environments, I found this site. This site talks about a myriad of topics involving online environments, including the conflicts and problems that can or could arise in an online environment.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Filtering
< www.tispa.org/info/kinnaman/filtering.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the the discussion of internet filtering, I found an article that has a link to the Texas ISP. In this link, they discuss and talk a lot about filtering the internet.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Documentation of Internet Filtering Worldwide
Jonathan Zittrain and Benjamin Edelman < cyber.law.harvard.edu/filtering/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion about internet filtering, I found an article that talks about companies and countries trying to filter the internet. The article has some great resources.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning Theories and Transfer of Learning
< otec.uoregon.edu/learning_theory.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
for the discussion about the transferring of learning, especially to students with limited abilities nd knoweldge, I found this article. It talks about the differernt theories that are associated with learning and the transferring of learning to students.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Transfer of Learning
Don Clark (2000) < www.nwlink.com/~donclark/hrd/learning/transfer.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of transferring learning,t his article focuses on what transfer of lerning is and how to do it effectively for all students within a classroom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brain Connection
< www.brainconnection.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of brain resrarch, I found this site. This is a site that is dedicated to brain research and resources for brain research.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
International Brain Research Organization
< www.ibro.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of brain research, I found this organization. This is an organization that is devoted to doing brain research all over the world  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Discursive Citizenship: The Body Politic in Cyberspace
< www.arch.usyd.edu.au/kcdc/conferences/VC97/papers/kolko.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion about online environments, in regards to age, race, and gender, I found this article. It talks about the factors, such as rage, gender, and age in online communities.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Thinking maps
< thinkingmaps.com > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of supporting students int he classroom, I found and use this site for writing. This site is   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Thinking Maps
< thinkingmaps.com > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of suporting students and teches, I found and use this site for writing. This is a site that provides a way of helping students to write better. It uses many forms of "thinking maps" or graphic organizers to help students with writing.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
B.F. Skinner: Personality Theories
< www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/skinner.html > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jason Frankel 
For my theorist research, I am researching B.F. Skinner. This site talks about Skinner's main theories, including operant conditioning and reinforcement.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.bfskinner.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jason Frankel 
For my theorist research, I am using this site. It is a foundation dedicated to the work of B.F. Skinner.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Educational Technology Review: International Forum on Educational Technology Issues and Applications
< www.aace.org/pubs/etr/issue4/index.cfm > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jason Frankel 
For my final paper, I found this journal. This journal has articles that help to inform teachers about ways of enhancing eduction and learning through the use of technology.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
American School Board Journal
< www.asbj.com/writersguide.html > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jason Frankel 
For the final paper, I also found this periodical. This periodical looks at a variety of topics in education. Articles stem from a variety of standpoints including teachers, administrators, and board members.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teaching College Courses Online vs Face-to-Face
< www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/A3407.cfm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of online classrooms, I found this article. It talks about the differences between online and face to face.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Model for Effectively Supporting e-Learning
< ts.mivu.org/default.asp?show=article&id=1016 > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of being a successful online teacher, I found this article. This article talks about how to effectively support and run online classes.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.eng.usf.edu/~sheybani/DLpage.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of online classrooms, I found this article which explains to make them successful.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Bad Boys of Cyberspace: Deviant Behavior in Online Multimedia Communities and Managing It
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/badboys.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of the conflicts with online classrooms and environments, I found this article. It talks about the problems and how to handle, deal with, and manage them.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Online Learning Communities: Connecting with Success
< bcis.pacificu.edu/journal/2003/09/ebersole.php > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jason Frankel 
For the discussion of online environments, communities, and classrooms, and their successes and conflicts, I found this article. It talks about what the problems are and how to turn the problems into successes.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.bbc.co.uk/chatguide/teens/teens_guide1.shtml > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Jason Frankel 
I thought this to be interesting. This is a warning to teens about being involved in online communities.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
First Rule of Usability? Don't Listen to Users
< www.useit.com/alertbox/20010805.html > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Jason Frankel 
This article talks about the problems of participating in online environments and classrooms due to the unreliability and lack of trust for other users and user safety.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Converge Magazine
< www.centerdigitaled.com/converge/ > [11 Nov 04]
  Ray Gen 
Converge is an tech magazine that centers itself on educational issues. One editor told me that they are trying to be the "Wired" magazine for ed tech.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Issues on the Internet
The University of Newcastle, Australia < www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/sociol-anthrop/staff/kibbymarj/gender.html > [11 Nov 04]
Case Study  Ray Gen 
This is a meta-site that links to many interesting site that deal with gender issues. The web page deals with provocative issues like Babes on the Web: Sex, Identity and the Homepage  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Online IQ Test
commerical site < www.iqtest.com/ > [11 Nov 04]
Weekly  Ray Gen 
It's kind of fun, but you need to pay to get the indepth analysis.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Technology Encyclopedia & Learning Center
< www.whatis.com > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Illustrated definitions, industry news and dictionary recommendations for the latest in technology. I don't have much of an internet/computer vocabulary and I used this site to translate the words found in our readings from The Pschyhology of the Internet. It does have links to software if you wish to purchase.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
TekMom's Technology Buzzwords for Students
< www.teckmom.com/buzzwords > [13 Dec 04]
  Patricia Halic 
This site is written for students that are new to the computer or internet. There are lesson plans, suggested assignments, games, puzzles and dictionaries that are easy for students to access. It is not highly technical.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette
Arlene Rinaldi, Florida Atlantic University < www.fau.edu/netiquette/net > [29 Dec 04]
  Patricia Halic 
Very thorough home page with topics about Electronic Mail, tlenet Prtocol, FTP, 10 Commandments from Computer Ethics Insitute, Discussion Groups, etc. with permission to duplicate.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
CybersmartKidsOnline: RU Cybersmart?
Australia < www.cybersmartkids.com.au/cybersmartkids/netiquette.html > [29 Dec 04]
  Patricia Halic 
Great for kids K-12. Quick easy to read online manners. Nice list of abbreviations, emoticoms, and word pictures on the front page. Extra topics for parents, students and teachers.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Netiquette : E-mail Etiquette and Proper Technology Use
Judith Kallos < www.onlinenetiquette.com Netiquette: E-mail Etiquette and Proper Technology Use All you want to know about Netiquette including how to practice proper E-mail Etiquette and correct technology use. ... WHAT EXACTLY DOES "NETIQUETTE" MEAN? ... > [29 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Patricia Halic 
Excellent and thorough netiquette topics to help a novice join online forums and discussions. You are welcome to join a discussion forum and receive a free quarterly newsletter.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Netiquette : E-mail Etiquette and Proper Technology Use
Judith Kallos (2004) < www.onlinenetiquette.com Netiquette: E-mail Etiquette and Proper Technology Use All you want to know about Netiquette including how to practice proper E-mail Etiquette and correct technology use. ... WHAT EXACTLY DOES "NETIQUETTE" MEAN? ... > [29 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Patricia Halic 
Excellent and thorough netiquette topics to help a novice join online forums and discussions. You are welcome to join a discussion forum and receive a free quarterly newsletter.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
MUDs, MOOs, WOOs, IRCs...using the World-Wide Web..
< www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ltg/projects/ jtap/reports/teaching/chapter5.html > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ltg/projects/ jtap/reports/teaching/chapter5.html Using the World-Wide Web as a teaching tool, everything you might want to know about MUDs, MOOs, WOO, and IRCs, how to set up a virtual classroom with pointers about teaching in a virtual setting, available software, links, downloads. This site explains everything and is way over my head; probably great for those of you in the know.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Controlling the Virtual-World
< cse.stanford.edu/class/cs201/projects-98-99/controlling-the-virtual-world/index.html > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Controlling the virtual world. Explanation of the technologies, virtual-world governments, history, people, case studies (contains some graphic material) and a reprint of A Rape in Cyberspace, the event that started it all.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
NCTM < my.nctm.org/eresources/journal_home.asp http://my.nctm.org/eresources/journal_home.asp http://my.nctm.org/eresources/journal_home.asp http://my.nctm.org/eresources/journal_home.asp > [29 Dec 04]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Patricia Halic 
A peer reviewed journal from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) providing a broad range of ideas for teaching and learning mathematics at any level. It is designed and published exclusively for the electronic medium.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Repeal of the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
< www.onlinepolicy.org/media/schoolsfailcipa020918.shtml > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Equal Internet Access for All. The ACLU and others provide great food for thought regarding Internet filters in our public schools nationwide. Interesting arguments.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Censorware: How well does Internet filtering software protect students?
< /www.electronic-school.com/0198f1.html > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Vocal opponents of censorware see schools abdicating their supervisory role when they rely on these filtering systems. Parents are given a false sense of security.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Relationships - Do They Work?
< xforums.net/ib/index.php?showtopic=15265&st=0 > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
xForums: The last bastion of intelligent discussion. This would have been great for the case study also. I guess I'm getting better at searching. Eye opening BLOGs about real life romance on the Internet. Is it real or is it Memorex?  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Child Safety Internet Issues
< ca.dir.yahoo.com/Society_and_Culture/Cultures_and_Groups/Children/Child_Safety/Internet_Issues/ > [29 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Yahoo Canada has created a special page for children and parents dealing with Internet issues. There are categories, lists and links dealing with blocking and filtering, software, children's Internet privacy, cyberstalking, organizations (8), and rating services.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Google's Worst of the Web
< directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Worst_of_the_Web/ > [29 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
After reading Ch 12, I had to type in world's wackiest pages. Google has a directory page filled with links to all kinds of Web pages to visit. There is also a link to another directory of the Best of the Web. Just as mentioned in this chapter, I think you could link forever.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Lost Library of MOO
< www.hayseed.net/MOO/ > [29 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
MOOcentral is for those interested in educational uses of MOO. Links, resources, research papers, one of which is, Mudding: Social Phenomena in Text-Based Virtual Realities by Pavel Curtis (LambdaMOO).  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Organization? A General Description, Common Problems, and Smart Stretegies
Alice Thomas, M.Ed., Glenda Thorne, Ph.D., & Bob Small, M.Ed. (2004) < www.cdl.org/resources/reading_room/organization.html > [22 Nov 04]
  Patricia Halic 
Organization? A General Description, Common Problems, and Smart Strategies: Center for Development of Learning. Visual-spatial organization is the way the brain organizes information it receives through the eyes. Excellent practical explanations for teachers, parents and students. Smart stretegies for applying and improving spatial-visualization skills. Free e-mail newsletters availabale.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How the Brain Organizes Memories
< www.unmc.edu/mmi/learn/brainfacts.htm > [22 Nov 04]
  Patricia Halic 
This is an article of how and where memories are stored, and how memory can be improved. It discusses things that can effect the brain such as food, bicycle helmets, diseases, learning techniques, etc.. The University of Nebraska Medical Center provides excellent brain research at this site.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The California Mathematics Council
< www.cmc-math.org > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Patricia Halic 
http://www.cmc-math.org The California Mathematics Council is committed to promoting professional activities that will ensure continual improvement towards excellence in the teaching of mathematics.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
< www.nctm.org > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Patricia Halic 
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics was founded in 1920. NCTM is the world's largest mathematics education organization, with nearly 100,000 members and 250 Affiliates This year's annual convention will be held in Anahaim, California, in April.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Men, Women and the Internet
< www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Addictions/netaddiction/gender.htm > [22 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Gender influences the types of applications and underlying reasons for Internet addiction. Women want anonymous communication because they can hide their appearance. Men seek out dominance.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Internet as Terminator_There is No Technological Fix for Prejudice
Stephen L. Talbott < www.praxagora.com/~stevet/meditations/prejudice.html > [22 Jan 05]
Weekly  Patricia Halic 
Getting rid of gender begins to lessen our qualities as a human being. Is this a good thing. Much food for thought.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teaching Portfolios and Reflection
< careers.education.wisc.edu/epcsonline/public/help/fromPortfolios.cfm > [4 Dec 04]
  Patricia Halic 
This site presents some ideas on developing a teaching portfolio. It discusses the process and what to include. There is an organized list of how to annotate materials.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teachers and Students as Action Researchers
< www.ncrel.org/info/nlp/lpsu00.htm > [4 Dec 04]
  Patricia Halic 
Intereesting article on teachers and students as action researchers. Students have learned how to track their daily progress in math, and teachers have developed more effective ways to support those who need extra help.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ideas Mini-Lessons to help student ORGANIZATION
Cheri Clemens (2004) < 6traits.cyberspaces.net/mini-org.html > [30 Nov 04]
Case Study  Patricia Halic 
Compiled mini lessons for teaching organizational skills for second grade writing. I think that they would work for first and third grade as well. The lessons are grouped by writing trait, which I think could be used as a kind of structure for teaching. The groups are based on a 6 Trait writing model.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Math Strategies
< www.fcps.k12.va.us/DeerParkES/kids/diane/Math/tenstrat.htm > [30 Nov 04]
  Patricia Halic 
Ten strategies are listed on this table. The explanation to the right of each graphic tells what the strategy means. A few of the explanations have blue links to actual examples. The first link at the top of the page takes you to Math Counts. Click on a picture icon which will take you to a sixth grade student's example of how to use the strategy. I like the 6th grade level. It will help struggling high school students and may offer insight for elementary teachers.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Multiple Intelligences
Thomas Armstrong < www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.htm > [27 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Great website explaining the different learning styles, and how to teach things different ways. He even goes as far to say that we are focused on Logical/Mathematical learning and that those who don't learn that way are often diagnosed with ADD. Interesting...  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Eight ways of Knowing
< www.multi-intell.com/MI_chart.html > [27 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Great website to explain each learning style in detail and even goes as far to give lesson plan ideas for each learner type. I use this site all the time when I am composing lessons. What type of learner are you?  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
New Designs for Connected Teaching and Learning
Margaret Riel < www.gse.uci.edu/mriel/whitepaper/index.html > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Website gives links to the four learning environments. The opening sentence on the page is pretty powerful. It links psychologists to the styles of learning. Very comprehensive.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
New Teachers Online
< teachersnetwork.org/ntol/ > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
An online resource for new teachers to seek support and mentorship. It isn't just for mentioring, but ideas, lesson plans and much more. I wish I would have known about this when I started teaching!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
T.H.E Journal
< www.thejournal.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jennifer Hart 
A great journal of articles that deal not only iwth education, but software in education, elearning and emerging trends. I am planning on submitting my final paper to them.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Education Next
< www.educationnext.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jennifer Hart 
Another great journal. I thought about submitting my paper to this journal, but their guidelines were a little sketchy and I wasn't too sure. However, the articles that they post on their website are indeed wonderful!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Transfer of Learning
Simine Dadgar < coe.sdsu.edu/eet/Articles/transferLearn/start.htm#transferoflearning > [21 Nov 04]
Case Study  Jennifer Hart 
A brief description of what transfer learning is and how it is broken down into near and far transfer. "In our everyday lives, prior learning is being transferred continuously to the development of new skills and knowledge." I like this site because if I were to teach a lesson on the transference of knowledge, it would be a great way to start it out for the students at any level.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Educational Psychology
< facultyweb.cortland.edu/andersmd/whatis.html > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
A brief description of what Educational Psychology is. "...Educational Psychology is deceptively simple..." Easy to understand and decifer information, plus I liked the thought web.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Education Next
< Another great journal. I thought about submitting my paper to this journal, but their guidelines were a little sketchy and I wasn't too sure. However, the articles that they post on their website are indeed wonderful! > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jennifer Hart 
Another great journal. I thought about submitting my paper to this journal, but their guidelines were a little sketchy and I wasn't too sure. However, the articles that they post on their website are indeed wonderful! (I had to put this in again, because it should go under magazines and Periodicals!!!!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
An Educator's Guide to Gender Bias Issues
< lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/wp/access/gender.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Interesting website dedicated to gender biases and how educators can identify and avoid gender bias. Also, it talks about the gender gap dealing with technology. Definitely deals with Gender and the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Harassment on the Internet
Vicki Bell and Denise de La Rue < www2.gsu.edu/~lawppw/lawand.papers/harass.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
I decided to add this website because it actually defines what internet harassment actually is. It also discusses how there are a huge amount of men online -- looking for vulnerable women. I found this webpage very informative.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Strengths and Weaknesses of Online Learning
Illinois Online Network < www.ion.illinois.edu/IONresources/onlineLearning/strengthAndWeak.asp > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
a great site that divides the strengths and weaknesses of the internet learning community. It does ask that you view both the stengths and weaknesses before making your decision.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Psychology Journals
Alley Dog.com < www.alleydog.com/psychology-journals.asp > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Guess I should have posted this at the beginning of class, a great listing of all the psychology journals to utilize online.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Journal of Online Behavior
Robert LaRose, Ph.D.; Matthew S. Eastin, and Jennifer Gregg < www.behavior.net/JOB/v1n2/paradox.html > [16 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jennifer Hart 
Pretty interesting article on how prolonged uses on the internet can lead to depression. The cool thing is that I found my psychologist, Sara Kiesler's study in this journal.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Wikipedia < en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaming > [16 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jennifer Hart 
An encyclopedia definition of flame wars and flaming. Quite a useful definition and explanation.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Children and the Internet
National Conference of State Legislatures < www.ncsl.org/programs/lis/CIP/filterlaws.htm > [16 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
An interesting article talking about the Children's Internet Protection Act. This is in regards to public schools and library's and how they are responsible for the safety of the children.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Wise Choice. Net
< www.wisechoice.net/whywisechoice2.asp > [16 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
A statistical site that gives you the statistics on how many children actually use porn sites and offer their own software.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Flame Wars
< members.aol.com/intwg/flamewars.htm#INTR > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Good examples and definition of what a flame war is and some examples of how they work, evolve and eventually become resolved.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Rules for Flame Wars
Joel GAzis-SAx < www.alsirat.com/flame.html > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
This is great/humorous -- ways to start flame wars and the rules that go with them!   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Changes in Group Boundaries and Dynamics
Rider University < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/extendgrp.html#boundary > [4 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
An article about how a person's dynamics change when they are working with a group online vs. in a traditional setting.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Conflict in Cyberspace: How to Resolve Conflict Online
Kali Munro, M.Ed., Psychotherapist < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/conflict.html > [4 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
This article talks about how things can get blown out of porportion online and how things are "said" that are taken out of context or the wrong way.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Online Disinhibition Effect
John Suler < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/disinhibit.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
Neat article on how we become disinhibited online -- how we are to express ourselves more openly.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Final Showdown
John Suler < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/showdown.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jennifer Hart 
An article on whether relationships formed in cyberspace are "real". Although a little one sided as to f2f relationships, it does give a perspective of why people put so much emphasis on internet relationships.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology and Learning
< www.techlearning.com/content/about/tl_current.html > [15 Dec 04]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Andrew Huffaker 
This is the site for Technology and Learning, a magazine I got with membership to ISTE. Very good journal for those who would be leaders of technology in education.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning and Leading with Technology
< www.iste.org/LL/32/3/index.cfm > [15 Dec 04]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Andrew Huffaker 
Sorry, this is the magazine that came with iste membership. The other magazine has articles about how to use technology effectively and keeps teachers abreast with new technology available. This site is for those who would become leaders of technology in education.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Managing the Flamingo:Politeness in an Adolescent Chatroom
Lois Ann Scheidt < www.loisscheidt.com/class_papers/Managing_the_Flamingo.htm > [8 Jan 05]
Case Study  Andrew Huffaker 
This article is interesting and of merit because it discusses how kids interact in chat rooms. It talks about agressiveness and politeness, but does do in light of male and female chat room moderators. A good study to learn about how children are coping with this new world.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Social and Organizational Factors
< lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/jim-levin/LevinAERA.html > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This article talks about how a university in Washington planned an online MA program in education just like ours but with regular face to face meetings (one per course). They claim it is the best of both worlds.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Guide to Flaming
< www.advicemeant.com/flame/ > [8 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This site offers information on flaming, what it is and (for those adventurous and rather angry people) how to do it effectively. It is fun to read and really informative.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
How to meet women in an Online Chatroom
< brianx.com/br2cmeetchatroom.html > [8 Jan 05]
Case Study  Andrew Huffaker 
This article is more enlightening than its title depicts. It gives an interesting insight into how people are learning to interact online with respect to motive and gender.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.cyberangels.org/homefront/index.html > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
I like this site because it gives parents tips to helping kids understand how to use the internet and not get to all all the bad stuff. The suggestions they give are actually valuable to the educator as well.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet smut challenges educators
< www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/1999/02/02/MN34306.DTL > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This article discusses much of what our thread has, and there are many sides presented, from educating kids, to the ACLU's involvement in Frist Amendment rights, to students being suspended for internet porn at school. This problem is pervasive.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Manners Practice Test
< www.pomounties.org/~scrap/computer/practice%20tests/internet_manners_practice_test.htm > [26 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
Great site to use with students to know whether or not they understand what they may and may not do on the internet. Covers some great vocabulary too.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet - The Mainstreaming of Online Life
< www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/Internet_Status_2005.pdf > [26 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This is a really interesting report on how the internet has effected the American life, what has become normal, and how the internet is used. There is lots of raw data, and things a broken down by gender, age, etc. Worth the read.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.funderstanding.com/mastery_learning.cfm > [15 Nov 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
Nice definition of one of the terms outlined in the reading for a little extra support. Easy read and informative.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Art of (Learning) Transfer
Jamie Mulkey, Ed.D. < www.certmag.com/issues/oct02/feature_mulkey.cfm > [15 Nov 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This article really helped me to understand more about learning transfer and that phenomena of the student who can do the work while you are with them, but fail every test. It is an important issue when looking at helping students become successful.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Understanding TV's effects on the developing brain
< www.aap.org/advocacy/chm98nws.htm > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This article is a must read for all parent and teachers. Excellent information and very readable. It really brought home to me how damaging the "idiot box" really is on the developing brain. Explains why our students are the way some of them are.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Secret Life of the Brain - How children learn to read (video)
< www.pbs.org/wnet/brain/episode2/video.html > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
Even though one of the shorts wasn't working when I was on the site, this was still cool anyway. The whole section on the child's brain reinforces the reading.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Why Gender Makes a Difference in Cyberspace
< projects.ups.edu/honors_thesis/lhandy/tech%20gender.htm > [22 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This site is published by a feminist who outlines why gender is so important even on the internet. Very interesting set of pages.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Do People Still Have Sex? Gender, Sex, and Identity in Chatrooms
Katherine Laurel Kierovna < marmal8.tripod.com/academy/chatrooms.html > [22 Jan 05]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This article really discusses in depth the kind of language used in chatrooms and analyzes it with gender in mind. It is lengthy, but a good follow up to chapter 11 in Wallace.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< sp.uconn.edu/~nrcgt/sem/semart12.html > [4 Dec 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This site gives very brief summaries of a bunch of studies done on grouping in classrooms for various reasons and analyzed for various effects on the students from attenitveness, to acheivement, to friendships. IU found it very helpful when trying to figure out whether grouping for a specific project was appropriate. Makes a great case for grouping in general.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
When Students Do Not Feel Motivated for Literacy Learning
< curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/clic/nrrc/rspon_r8.html > [4 Dec 04]
Weekly  Andrew Huffaker 
This is an article that discusses how motivation can effect literacy in children. What I found interesting about the article was that it really focused on how motivation is affected by social interactions. Also mentioned is the classroom culture as it is dictated by the students and how understanding students motivation or the lack of it may depend on how well the classroom culture is understood by the teacher.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Blogging Revolution
Andrew Sullivan (2002) < www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/mustread.html?pg=2 > [3 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
A good article that describes "blogging" and it's impact on people and the news media.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Forbes.com Best Blogs
Arik Hasseldahl (2004) < www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/mustread.html?pg=2 > [3 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
A brief description of Blogs and a large list of links to what Forbes believes are the "best" blogs  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Music Education Maddness site
(various contributors) < www.musiceducationmadness.com/contributions.shtml > [3 Dec 04]
  Juanita Jackson 
A good variety of teaching elementary students different musical techniques. It is better than most sites I have looked at and uses "brain theory" style techniques including those of Carl Orff.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Blogging Revolution
Andrew Sullivan (2002) < www.wired.com/wired/archive/10.05/mustread.html?pg=2 > [3 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Juanita Jackson 
A good article that describes "blogging' and its impact on people and the news media  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Forbes.com: Best Blogs
Arik Hasseldahl (2004) < www.forbes.com/personaltech/2003/04/14/bestblogslander.html > [3 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Juanita Jackson 
A brief description of Blogs and a large list of links to what Forbes.com believes are the "best" blogs  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Web Links to Participatory Action Research Sites
Goshen College (2001) < www.goshen.edu/soan/soan96p.htm > [6 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
Links to many different action research projects around the world, not just in eduaction. Good definitions of action research, implementation as well as how to keep an action research journal can be found.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Carl Orff Canada
Carl Orff Canada, Ottawa Ontario (2004) < www.orffcanada.ca > [6 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Juanita Jackson 
Description of the Orff program in Canada  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The 100-Year Journey of Educational Psychology
David C. Berliner, Arizona State University < courses.ed.asu.edu/berliner/readings/journey.htm > [6 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
a 100 year synopsis of ed psych and what people thought about it. Interesting reading.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ricci Adams' Musictheory.net
Ricci Adams < www.musictheory.net/ > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
A very complete site that assists in teaching music theory online. Very user friendly and can cover all levels from beginner to advanced students.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Finale Note Pad
Coda Music (2005) < www.finalemusic.com/notepad/index.asp > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This is a free download from Finale Music that gives the user access to the basic funtions of Finale software. It can be used by students as part of online music ed., or used in conjuction with classroom activities. I have been unable to download it - even with the tech aid using her administrative password - probably due to the district filter......  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Moral vs Ethical Values
Michael Josephson (2004) < www.charactercounts.org/knxwk382.htm#4 > [17 Nov 04]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This article talks about todays preoccupation with morals and suggests there is a lot of emphasis on social/political while disregarding core ethical values.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology: A Tool for Music Education
Don Muro < www.lentine.com/articles/Technology,%20A%20Tool%20For%20Music%20Education.htm > [18 Nov 04]
  Juanita Jackson 
A nice overview of the niche that music has in technology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
American Music Conference - Music and the Brain
< www.amc-music.com/musicmaking/thebrain.htm > [29 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
A set of articles studying how music affects the brain. How people of all ages can benifit from music  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Homeschooling Today
< www.homeschooltoday.com/ > [26 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Juanita Jackson 
This is one of my target magazines for my Final Paper  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Finale Music software: NotePad
< www.finalemusic.com/notepad/index.asp > [26 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This is a FREE download that can be used for online learning of music. The software, NotePad can be used with the main program Finale, or as a stand-alone product to assist students in writing and sharing music with technology  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Berklee School of Music-online extension course
< www.berkleemusic.com/ > [26 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
The prestigeous Berklee School of Music has developed an online degree program. There is a certificate program about Music Technology for Teachers. It looks like a wonderful opportunity for anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of music and tech online.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Is Love on the Internet Cheating?
Linda D. Grovsenor < www.eyepiece.com/living/9906/990610lg.asp > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
A witty but intruiging article asking the question if relationships on the internet are actually relationships or not.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Log on for a Cyber Date
Deborrah Cooper < www.askheartbeat.com/html/body_coop14.html > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This article talks about determing WHO is on the other side of a keyboard. It is very relevant to what we have been discussing  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
State Internet Filtering Laws
National Conference of State Legislators (2004) < www.ncsl.org/programs/lis/CIP/filterlaws.htm > [14 Jan 05]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
A listing of all states that have a law regarding internet filter laws for schools (Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Internet Gender Gap Among College Students
Miami University (multiple authors) (2000) < www.users.muohio.edu/shermarc/mpa100.htm > [13 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
an interesting case study on internet use between men and women in a college setting.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
University Instructors' Reflections on their First Online teaching experiences
Diane Conrad, University of New Brunswick, Canada (2004) < www.sloan-c.org/publications/jaln/v8n2/v8n2_conrad.asp > [13 Dec 04]
Case Study  Juanita Jackson 
Published in the "Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks", this is a Very Good article follow 5 first time online instructors.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A Comprehensive List of Business Networking Chatrooms on IRC and the Internet
CHATMAG.com < www.chatmag.com/index.html > [1 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This is a set of links to many groups. It includes the definition of IRC's, netiquette, and other basic information needed. It is user-friendly and easy to navigate  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Anger on the Web
High Country News.org (staff writer) (1998) < www.hcn.org/servlets/hcn.Article?article_id=4648 > [1 Jan 05]
Weekly  Juanita Jackson 
This was written after the fire set by environmental extremists in Vail, Colorado. It shows how angry email was miss-directed to the wrong location based on peoples interpretation of what they thought a web-site supported.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
World Kids Network
< www.worldkids.net/ > [7 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
World Kids Network This website’s mission statement is “World Kids Network is dedicated to the advancement of children's education worldwide. We strive to inspire them to thoroughly explore the possibilities of their world in the creative atmosphere of the Internet, to become computer literate, and to achieve their full potential in this dynamic new field.” It is run by volunteers and is a nonprofit organization. This website looks like fun for elementary school age students. They can go to a section about animals and find pictures and information about animals. It says it is a safe place for student to get information and talk with other students. This would be a great resource to use to get your students involved with the internet.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< cybersleuth-kids.com/ > [7 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
Cybersleuth Kids This is a website for student’s grades k-12. They can search for topics and even chat with a researcher about the topics they are looking for information about. There is also a section for teachers to get lesson plan ideas. Lesson plans for the internet.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics in Cyberspace
< www.enotalone.com/article/3219.html > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
This is a site about the soical aspects of the internet. There are many good point made that support our discussions about group dynamics on the internet  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Applying Social-Psychology to the Web.
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/socpsy.html > [19 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
This has a lot of information about Psychology and how it applies to online communites. I liked the section on the history of the online communities  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Biological Basis of Aggression
< www.brainconnection.com/topics/?main=fa/aggression > [5 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
Because we were talking about aggression on the internet this week, I thought reading about information about where aggression starts would be good background information.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Disinhibition of Online
John Suler (2004) < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/disinhibit.html > [3 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Alison Jensen 
This is an interesting website on the Disinhition Effect and how people repond on the internet. It could be a good resource for the final paper.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Online Language
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/pal_lang.html > [3 Jan 05]
Case Study  Alison Jensen 
This is just kind of a fun site that tells about the different languages of talking on line. It could be useful for the case study project. It was useful to me.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Identity Management
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/identitymanage.html > [3 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
This goes along with discussions we have had about not really having an identity when we are online.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Extending the Classroom into Cyberspace
< www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/extendclass.html > [3 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
It has good information on how we can extend our classrooms by using the inline environment.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Center for Research and Development in Technlogy
< www.crdlt.stir.ac.uk/resources/gender&internet.htm > [3 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
This website has many research articles to read about cyberspace; gender, age, students, and women.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Journal for the Intergration of Technology in Education
< ejite.isu.edu/ > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Alison Jensen 
this was a very helpful Journal for writing my finale paper. This journal had many research articles that supported my topic  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Integrating Technology in the Curriculum
< www.usask.ca/education/coursework/802papers/antifaiff/antifaiff.htm > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Alison Jensen 
This site has many ideas on how to integrate technology and why it is important to do this.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brian Based Learning
Aylin Atakent (2003) < angelfire.com/ok2/metu/brainbased.html > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
Brain Based Learning: Another Passing Fad? This website includes an article about connecting brain research with teaching. I like how in the article you can learn about the needs of the brain and then it states how that would translate into the classroom. “We need to make sure that each student has the optimal requirements for learning: attentive brains, positive feelings and healthy bodies.” I think this has valuable information because it further supports our teaching in the classroom.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Education World
< educationworld.com/a_curr/curr140.shtml > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
Education World The Educator’s Best Friend. On this website you can get great ideas on how to push and challenge your students witch goes along with the brain development we have been discussing in Advanced Psychology. There are links to all subjects and many curriculum articles that help support your teaching. I read an interesting article called, Growing Bigger Brains: Research Affects How Teachers Teach. This article gives information about research information that has been believed for many years “For many years, most scientists believed that each person was born with a certain number of brain cells and, therefore, a genetically predetermined intellectual capacity. New research, however, appears to refute some of those assumptions.” This is interesting to me, because I know many teachers that I teach with believe you can’t always change a child’s abilities. This article gives many good ideas and breaks it down for classroom use. Article by Linda Starr Education World® Copyright © 1999 Education World   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Anti-Bias Learning Enviroment
Anti-Defamation League 2004 < adl.org/education/default_anti_bias.asp > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alison Jensen 
Creating an Anti-Bias Learning Environment In order for students to have a good learning environment the research that I have been reading has talked about the student feeling safe to share their ideas. This website is for teachers. It has information about creating an environment that is safe from bias. There are links on prejudice and racial problems. There are also links on how to set up the physical appearance of your classroom so that it is non-bias. 2002 Anti-Defamation League   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning vs. Curriculum Centered Classrooms
Pearson Education < www.teachervision.fen.com/page/4786.html?detoured=1 > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Here is a great web site that gives details about learning centered classrooms and how to check if your classroom is learner or curriculum based.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teachers' Role in a Learner Centered Classroom
Terry Doyle < www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/academics/center/Teaching_and_Learning_Tips/Learner-Centered%20Teaching/RoleofTeacher.htm > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
This is a good site to see the nuts and bolts of a learner centered classroom. Short, quick bulleted lists share facts and information of these classrooms.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Zone of Proximal Development
Elizabeth M. Riddle (1999) < chd.gse.gmu.edu/immersion/knowledgebase/theorists/constructivism/vygotsky.htm > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Here is a brief explanation of Vygotsky's ZPD, the gap between what is achieved and what can be achieved.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Multiple Intelligences
Annette Lamb (2004) < eduscapes.com/tap/topic68.htm > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Hear is a great site that deals with Multiple Intelligences. I like this particular web site because it deals with how multiple intelligences work with technology. It includes several links and ideas of how to use technology with the multiple intelligences.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Issues
H. Lips & W. Andrew (2004) < www.radford.edu/~gstudies/sources/gsources.htm > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
This is a great site that is chalked full of links that are gender related...from databases to statistics.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Swapping on the Internet
A.S. Bruckman < www.mith2.umd.edu/WomensStudies/Computing/Articles+ResearchPapers/gender-swapping > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Here is a paper in which the author introduces MUD's and shares the results of a study done by people swapping genders on the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning Styles vs. Teaching Styles
Center for Instructional Development and Technology < www.sosu.edu/cidt/briefs/tb1.htm > [17 Nov 04]
Case Study  Scott Johnson 
Here is an interesting article that explains the different learning and teaching styles and how teachers can reach those students who don't match their style. It also has links to places where your students can determine their learning style.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics for the Online Professor
Kathlen King (1999) < ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw99/papers/king/paper.html > [4 Jan 05]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Here is an essay that was done on the study of online groups and what works as well as what doesn't.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Roger Clarke (1996) < www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/II/CyberCulture.html > [4 Jan 05]
Case Study  Scott Johnson 
This article provides an understanding of the various components that make up culture in electronic environments.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Emoticons and Abbreviations
< www.bearsnbuddies.com/chat/Abbrev.htm > [18 Jan 05]
Case Study  Scott Johnson 
One of the things that makes it difficult to understand some chat conversations is not being able to understand the emoticons and abbreviations that are used. Here is a web site that I printed out and kept next to the computer for translation purposes.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chat Etiquette
< www.legal-mp3.co.uk/CamChat/ChatAdvice.html > [18 Jan 05]
Case Study  Scott Johnson 
Here is brief one page site that has a good analogy of how one should behave in a chatroom and what may happen if you don't.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Benefits of Using the Internet in the Classroom
Granite School District < www.granite.k12.ut.us/gsd3/faq_o2.htm > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
Here is a brief Q & A web site about the benefits of using the Internet in the classroom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Strategies for Internet Use in Classrooms
SBC Knowledge Network (2003) < www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/internet/internet-in-the%20classroom.htm > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Scott Johnson 
This site gives several reasons why the Interenet is valuable in the classroom. It aslo gives many strategies and resources that can assit teachers in accomplishing that task.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chat Rooms
< www.chat.yahoo.com > [16 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Anything, everything, but mostly nothing of any substance. Great place to waste hours of your time.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Developing Intellect
Virginia Harper (2003) < www.navsurvey.com/model_teaching.htm > [21 Nov 04]
Case Study  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Focus on Marine Surveyors, but the first part is an interesting addition to this week's readings (ch. 2 & 3) about knowledge, transference, and teaching strategies.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Learning To Read
Safary Wa-Mbaleka (2002) < dana.ucc.nau.edu/~ksw8/literacy.htm > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jeffrey Jolliff 
A research paper addressing problems with students prior knowledge (or lack of) and how teachers attempt to deal with such issues.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Multimedia & Internet Schools
< www.infotoday.com/MMSchools/default.shtml > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Geared towards media/tech specialists in K-12 schools.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology & Learning
< www.techlearning.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Great technology magazine for everyone k-12: teachers, administrators, tech coordinators...  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Early Childhood Learning Continuum Indicators
< www.iu13.k12.pa.us/inst_res_ecc_main.shtml > [29 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Interesting what people look for when measuring intelligence in preschool-2nd grade.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
New Teacher Center
< www.newteachercenter.org/ > [5 Dec 04]
Case Study  Jeffrey Jolliff 
Great site with good info and important resources. I wish this was available when I started teaching!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Assessment - Project Based Learning
< pblmm.k12.ca.us/PBLGuide/AssessPBL.html > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jeffrey Jolliff 
It's nice to finally find real life examples of assessment ideas and lessons. Limited samples, but the general ideas are helpful.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.teachers.net > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A must see website! This site includes chat center, live chatrooms, chat boards, mailrings, articles, webtools, library, meetings, clssroom photos and many more. The chatboards inlcude topics on technology, curriculum, english, language projects, beggining teachers, search by state to see any updates and etc.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Kathleen Schrock (2004) < school.discovery.com/schrockguide/assess.html > [5 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Website includes: student webpage rubrics, subject specific and general rubrics, rubric builders and generators, related articles, alternative and performance based assessment, electronic portfolios, graphic organizers, report card comments and progress reports.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Harassment on the Internet
Vicki Bell and Denise de La Rue < www2.gsu.edu/~lawppw/lawand.papers/harass.html > [21 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
This article gives a description about the types of harassment that is already occurring on the Internet. It also includes some tips to prevent online harassment.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Switching in Cyberspace
John Suler (1999) < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/genderswap.html > [21 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A great article by John Suler on how someone can easily switch identities in cyberspace.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology and Multiple Intelligences
Annette Lamb (2004) < eduscapes.com/tap/topic68.htm > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Excellent website on how technology can be integrated into the multiple intelligences. Just click on any of the multiple intelligences and it will provide many activities and tools to use involving technology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Young Children - Growth Development
< www.hec.ohio-state.edu/famlife/yc/growth.htm > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Various articles on growth development for ages infant through five years. There are also some articles on early brain development  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Introduction to Critical Thinking
Steven D. Schafersman < www.freeinquiry.com/critical-thinking.html > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Gives a description of how to incorporate critical thinking in teaching styles. Also, includes various teaching strategies and classroom techniques.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< k20.internet2.edu/index.php > [27 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
This program develops advanced network applications and technologies for higher education. Also, offers various websites for information on higher education  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.inspiration.com > [16 Nov 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A tool to help educators and students to develop ideas and organize thinking. Students can use various graphic organizers with pictures, text and spoken words. A must see website for designing graphic organizers!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Motivating Today's Students
Linda Lumsden (2004) < darkwing.uoregon.edu/~obrien/portraits1.2t.html > [16 Nov 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
This is a fascinating article on how to motivate your students to learn. The article provides tips from teachers on their classroom practices to enhance students learning and to keep them motivated and engaged. Great article!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Controversial Web Filtering Storms Schools
Michael Chait (2002) < www.internetnews.com/xSP/article.php/1465271 > [17 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
An article about the pros and cons of web filtering for schools.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Romance on the Internet
Richard M. Hamilton (2004) < www.ou.edu/oupd/kidsafe/websafe.htm > [17 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Knowing the dangers of the internet and provides safety tips.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Incorporating the SMART Board for Smart Teaching
Bobbi F. Adrian (2004) < www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=51200657 > [17 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Kimberly Mattingly 
Gives a brief description of an interactive whiteboard that is linked to a computer. How it is used in a fourth grade classroom and lessons learned.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Selecting Developmentally Appropriate Software
Susan W. Haugland < www.childrenandcomputers.com/Articles/selecting_developmentally_approp.htm > [17 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Kimberly Mattingly 
An article about selecting developmentally appropriate software for young children. Topics include: age appropriate, child control, independence, non-violence and clear instructions. Links to other website are also included for primary grades.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Face to Face vs. Cyberspace: Finding the Middle Ground
W. Sean. Chamberlin < www.campus.technology.com/article.asp?id=5857 > [9 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Gives a brief description about face to face vs. cyberspace.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Awareness of Chat Rooms
< www.media-awareness.ca/english/teachers/wa_teachers/safe_passage_teachers/chatrooms_safety_t.cfm > [9 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Pros and cons of chatroom discussions.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
MUDs, MOOs, WOOs and IRC
Paul Groves (2004) < www.oucs.ox.ac.uk/ltg/projects/jtap/reports/teaching/moo.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Brief descriptions of MUDs, MOOs, WOOs and the IRC. Also includes the following: links to educational moo information, technology requirements, mailings lists, faq and contains graphics on how to set up moos.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Developing Your Online Persona
Ann Zeise (2001) < homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/articles/063002.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A brief description about developing your online persona. This is a short story coming from a homeschooling mother.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Developing Your Online Persona
Ann Zeise (2002) < homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/article/063002.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A short story from a homeschooling mother who tells about her experience in developing an online persona.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Psychology of Avatars and Graphical Space in Multimedia Chat Communities
John Suler (1999) < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber.psyav.html > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
A description of what an avatar is, types of avatars and some examples of avatars. This site also includes a description of a visual chat.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Safety for Kids
Larry Magid < www.safekids.com > [12 Dec 04]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
This website includes topics on internet safety, chatroom safety for all children especially teens. The site also includes articles, rules for online safety and protecting your privacy.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Content Bank
< www.contentbank.org/tools/discforums_main.asp?section_id=904 > [1 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Describes discussion forum, blogs, intranets, web pages, email groups and e-newsletters.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chat Safety
< www.chatmag.com/help/safety2.html > [1 Jan 05]
Weekly  Kimberly Mattingly 
Gives tips on safety in the chat room and how to report chat abuse.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Friendship Formation in Cyberspace
Katz and Asphen < www.nicola-doering.com/Hogrefe/katz.htm > [14 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Kimberly Mattingly 
An article by Katz and Asphen that discusses cyberspace friendsip. The article poses some interesting questions on making friends online.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Psychology of Cyberspace
John Suler (1996) < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/psycyber.html > [13 Dec 04]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Kimberly Mattingly 
Focuses on my topic on the psychology of cyberspace relationships. Including cyberspace romance and in person versus cyberspace relationships.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Collaborative Learning Environments
a loose grouping of lecturers and students at South African universities < www.criticalmethods.org/collab/ > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Timothy McKean 
This site provides a collection of publlications about the different aspects or collaborative learning environments. The site even has one sub section on the technology tools and student collaboration.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
E- portfolios and music education
University of Florida, School of Music (2003) < portfolios.music.ufl.edu/practices.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Timothy McKean 
This is a great example of technology integrated into a formative assessment portfolio. View the expected standards of students graduating from University of Florida, and see individual student portfolios. Students are given a template and post their own material. This could easily be done, to a lesser extent, with high school or middle school students. E- portfolios are especially good for music or arts students as recordings, pictures, and video can be easily integrated.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ed Web: Exploring Technology and School Reform
Andy Carvin < www.edwebproject.org/resource.cntnts.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Timothy McKean 
This is a great site discussing the implications of tecnology and the internet as it applies to education. Very easy to navigate. Great information. Very easy to use and understand. Learned much about the history of the internet, and includes basic lessons on classroom applications and HTML coding to set up personal and class web pages.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Importance of the World Wide Web in Education K-12
Guillermo E. Pedroni Submitted as final requirement for the MSE at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (1996) < www.geocities.com/Athens/5461/paper_1.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Timothy McKean 
This page is simply Mr. Pedroni's Masters thesis on technology and education. This paper is intended to examine the use of modern technology, into the acquisition and transfer of knowledge, using resources from the World Wide Web in some elementary schools. It will also serve to determine whether this new way of accessing knowledge is a beneficial tool in aiding students to a higher level of achievement, because they are more engaged in their learning activities. The Internet has the ability to erase all geographical, languages, and time barriers so that students can continue their learning long after leaving the school grounds. Several projects are described, including projects by people other than educators. He discusses the WWW, e-mail, and the role of the classroom teacher. While a bit old, he has some interesting ideas.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.iserenity.com > [13 Dec 04]
Case Study  Timothy McKean 
This site came up in one of the discussion threads, so I thought I'd add it here as well. This site provides soothing background "noise" while working on the computer. As an auditory learner I find I can concentrate more and have a more efficient work session if I can keep my ears busy with neutral sounds or textless music. Check it out and see if it works for you. Many different sounds available.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
News from Michigan Virtual University
Great Lakes IT Reort (2003) < www.mivu.org/Teaching/edutechreport/ed_tech_06-23.htm > [7 Dec 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
An article describing the methods and outcomes of the second largest virual high school.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Farhad Saba, Ph. D. (2004) < www.distance-educator.com/de_ezine/modules.php?file=article&name=News&op=modload&sid=189 > [7 Dec 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
Article provides helpful hints for those considering becoming students in a distance learning environment and for those who wish to teach these courses.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics for the Online Professor
Kathleen King < ausweb.scu.edu.au/aw99/papers/king/ > [29 Dec 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
An interesting presentation on the topics dealing with group dynamics in an online environment - how to recognize them and how to fix the troubles.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics in Online Discussions
Sally Burford & Lesley Cooper < www.ssn.flinders.edu.au/flexed/innovations/groupdynamics.php > [29 Dec 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
Offered for students and teachers, an article on group dynamics for online learners - how to become a better discussion member and what to do if problems arise.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Nameless in Cyberspace: Anonymity on the Internet
Jonathan D. Wallace (2005) < www.cato.org/pubs/briefs/bp-054es.html > [9 Jan 05]
Case Study  Linda Oaks 
Article wherein the author discusses why anonymity on the Internet is a basic freedom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Is Love on the Internet Cheating?
Linda D. Grosvenor < www.eyepiece.com/living/9906/990610lg.asp > [13 Jan 05]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
An article about how everyone is trying to find "mr. Right" on the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Socail Relationships in Cyberspace
Carrie Daniels, Karen Dickie, Jackie Hughes, Aviva Kohen, Taryn Kurtze < www.ucalgary.ca/~dabrent/380/webproj/socrel.html > [13 Jan 05]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
A essays is a reflection of social relationships in cyberspace. Contains a bibiography  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Issues of Online Privacy
Online Privacy Group < www.onlinepolicy.org/privacy.shtml > [9 Jan 05]
Case Study  Linda Oaks 
A listing of media coverage of recent efforts to prevent online anonymity.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Equity in Classroom Computer Usage
Published ny "Womaen in Higher Education" < www.cew.wisc.edu/equity/gender_equity_in_classroom_compu.htm > [17 Jan 05]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
A discussion from 1998 on comoputer/gender issues. Includes a list of tips for teachers to improve computer gender equity.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.cue.org/newsletter/index.html > [17 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Linda Oaks 
Computer Using Educators of California publishers this magazine 4 times a year to address technology in the classroom issues and tips.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Technology & Learning Magazine
CMP Media (2005) < www.techlearning.com > [17 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Linda Oaks 
Journal of articles concerning technology in education. Includes legislation, tips, software reviews, stanards, etc..  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Caslon Analyytics profile: E-mail, SMS, IM & Chat
Caslon Analytics Pty Ltd < www.caslon.com.au/emailprofile5.htm > [16 Jan 05]
Case Study  Linda Oaks 
"This page considers chat and email as mechanisms for online communities and issues such as netiquette and moderation."  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Education World
< www.educationworld.com/a_tech > [25 Jan 05]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
A nice sampling of technology integration lessons for all grade levels. Includes a "Tech Lesson of the Week".  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ed Psych Central
Heidi Weidman < homepages.luc.edu/~hweiman/ > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
A very nice start-off site for issuse and ideas relating to Educational Psychology. There is even a category for Educational Technology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
PBS Teacher Source-Research on Teaching and Technology
PBS (2004) < www.pbs.org/teachersource/teachtech/research.shtm > [20 Nov 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
Research based links in support of NCLB legislation requirements.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Mind/Brain Learning Principals
Renate Nummela Caine and Geoffrey Caine < www.newhorizons.org/neuro/caine.htm > [29 Nov 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
12 principles for how the brain affects learning  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning Styles
Ellen Freedman < www.mathpower.com/brain.htm > [29 Nov 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
Simple list of characteristics as to which hemisphere of your brain controls your learning. (left or right). Also a nice site for Math Teahers  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brain Connection
Scientific Learning < www.brainconnection.com > [29 Nov 04]
Weekly  Linda Oaks 
A very extensive site on the brain and learning with ideas, lessons, discussions, brain teasers, links, and more.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Ruby Payne
< ahaprocess.com/ > [30 Nov 04]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
Ruby Payne's web site and staff development opportunities.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Understanding and Working with Students and Adults from Poverty
< homepages.wmich.edu/~ljohnson/Payne.pdf > [30 Nov 04]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
written by Ruby Payne, insights toward those in poverty  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
AARP Computer News
< www.aarp.org/computers/ > [29 Nov 04]
  Jody Oliver 
WHY? Because retired people are smart and have learned a lot over the years. A great resource for technology!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Career Assessments
< www.glencoe.com/sec/busadmin/mathba/ > [29 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
After you go to the URL, click on Career City. I used Brain Power and Learning Styles Inventories with my students and found some pretty interesting results!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
CMP Media < www.techlearning.com/ > [16 Nov 04]
  Jody Oliver 
A great resource for teachers, administrators, and tech coordinators. Always great resources and articles applicable toward technology, integration, and curriculum special topics.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Organizing Information
Intel < www.intel.com/education/seeingreason/index.htm > [15 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
Mind mapping and analyzing cause and effect relationships - this is a free tool from Intel and sometimes it really helps our visual students to organize investigations through this site. Organizing information - especially in teaching technology - is helpful in curriculum applications.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Organizing Information
Houghton Mifflin < www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/index.html > [15 Nov 04]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
A great listing of a variety of graphic organizers that can be used in helping students organize theirs throughts, projects, and concepts.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Handheld Computers in Education
< www.electronic-school.com/2001/06/0601handhelds.html > [30 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
a great introduction into palm computers in the classroom  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Paperless Classroom
< www.paperlessclassroom.org/ > [30 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
Although a great resource for handhelds, great ideas for the online class environment  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< university.barnesandnoble.com/ > [30 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
Great courses and ideas for the online classroom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Electronic School
< www.electronic-school.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
an award-winning technology magazine for K-12 school leaders, was published from 1987 to 2002 as a print and online supplement to American School Board Journal, in cooperation with ITTE: Education Technology Programs, a program of the National School Boards Association. This site will remain available as a resource for educators and will be updated frequently with new education technology resources from American School Board Journal, NSBA's monthly magazine.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
High School Hub
< highschoolhub.org/hub/hub.cfm > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
Great site for online activities at the secondary school level  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Online Learning Rubric
< www.westga.edu/~distance/roblyer32.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
a great rubric to determine if your online learning lessons are working  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Instructional Design of Online Learning
< www.ion.illinois.edu/IONresources/instructionalDesign/index.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
Shows many different strategies in reaching students in online learning.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Glossary
< www.matisse.net/files/glossary.html > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
A must have for everyone in an online class.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Consumer News
< www.consumeraction.gov/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
An all around Internet site.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Guide to the World of Education Resources
< www.netdaycompass.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
an essential site for Ed Tech Coordinators and Directors  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Edutopia Magazine
< glef.org/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
A great magazine supported by the George Lucas Foundation.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The day's first headlines
< www.1stheadlines.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
Great activity for classrooms.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Jody's Backflip
Backflip and Jody (2005) < www.backflip.com/members/JOliver > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
of over 1600 educational sites, updated and revised each summer since 2000! Not really a magazine or periodical, but I have some great resources in many different sections.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Web Wise Kids
< www.webwisekids.com/ > [2 Jan 05]
Case Study webliographies (2 posts)  Jody Oliver 
A real good animated web site regarding safety on the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Character Education
< midgefrazel.net/character.html > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Jody Oliver 
Great resources for use in classrooms and lessons.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Cyber Language
< www.af.mil/news/airman/0396/cyber.htm > [6 Dec 04]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
quick cute list of techno terms for the Internet  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Netiquette Quiz
< www.albion.com/netiquette/netiquiz.html > [6 Dec 04]
Case Study  Jody Oliver 
Take this quiz and see if you know the rules of the super highway!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Punctuation Review Lesson
< www.bytesoflearning.com/UltraKey/Lessons/Punct.html > [13 Dec 04]
Case Study  Alice Scavarda 
I thought this had possibilities as a novel way to reinforce keyboarding skills and punctuation via the internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Essential Issues in Cyberpsychology
< truecenterpoint.com/ce/essentials3.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
This article addresses the issues of offline/online behaviors, identifying five factors, and offering ways to integrate online and offline personas. It is an article from John Suler's book The Psychology of Cyberspace. This is from an online continuing education site for psychologists.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Finding Balance:The Vices of our "Versus"
< firstmonday.org/issues/issue7_1/moss/index.html > [1 Jan 05]
Case Study  Alice Scavarda 
An online article from by Connie M. Moss from First Monday, an online journal discussing an alternative to either/or program design for online instruction.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
When is it Ethical to Research Online?
< psychcentral.com/archives/n080503.htm > [1 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Article by John M. Grohol, in Psych Central, online deals with question of conducint research in online forums without permission or knowledge of the writer.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Internet Blocking in Schools
< www.eff.org/Censorship/Censorware/net_block_report/20030623_eff_pr.php > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
The Electronic Frontier Foundation Study on how filtering software overblocks and miscategorizes websites in schools. The recommendations are "enforcement of internet use policies, media literacy education, directed use, and supervision."  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Just Give It to Me Straight: A Case Against Filtering the Internet
T.A. Callister, Jr. (2004) < www.pdkintl.org/kappan/k0405cal.htm > [14 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Article from Phi Delta Kappan detailing case against filtering of internet at schools. Strong case of why it doesn't work and what would be better. With links to other reports.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
American Journal of Distance Education
< www.ajde.com/ > [16 Jan 05]
Case Study  Alice Scavarda 
Online journal of research in American distance education edited by Michael G. Moore of Pennsylvania State University. Interesting research articles on wide range of topics. Published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Opening Up Online Education
Sally Atwood (2003) < www.technologyreview.com/articles/atwood1203.asp > [7 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Technology News Article on online software standards sharing that may pave way for easier transition of course design materials between universities. This would make course design alternation and improvement somewhat more cost effective and feasible.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Working on What Works Best
Ulrich Boser (2003) < www.usnews.com/usnews/edu/elearning/articles/03good.htm > [7 Jan 05]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
US News & World Report article discussing early fears and developments in online education programs created by for profit and traditional institutions.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Innovate Journal of Online Education
< innovateonline.info/index.php > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Alice Scavarda 
Inaugural issues of new online magazine for online education. Articles detailing 'hows' of designing online courses, working through the 'bugs'.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Chicago Manual of Style
< www.libs.uga.edu/ref/chicago.html > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Alice Scavarda 
Another style for publication besides APA!  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
< www.ascd.org/portal/site/ascd > [22 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Alice Scavarda 
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development site contains links to online articles, professional development courses. Membership required to access some sites. Downloadable books and articles available for small fees.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< eschoolnews.com/ > [16 Nov 04]
Case Study  Alice Scavarda 
Online, daily, news for educational technology, requires (free)registration to access articles.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Connect for Kids
sponsored by the Benton Foundation (2004) < www.connectforkids.org > [16 Nov 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Weekly news site highlighting initiatives supporting and celebrating families and kids.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Theories of ability and the pursuit of challenge among adolescents with mild mental retardation.
Pub Med National Library of Medicine < www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=7719063&dopt=Abstract > [27 Nov 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Abstract of article studying children with mental retardation showing positive motivational response when the situation centerd on incremental theory of ability. Children who received success feedback chose lower challenge levels in second attempt.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Adolescent Change And Continuity
Hunter, Megan (2001) < inside.bard.edu/academic/specialproj/darling/adach2.htm > [27 Nov 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
This site is a review of several articles about sports and development among children. The 2nd article considers the entity and incremental theory in relation to athletic success.   Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Summermath for Teachers
Mount Holyoke College < www.mtholyoke.edu/proj/smt/ > [4 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
Website that supports learning opportunities to encourage mathematical ideas for math teachers (and now students) aligned to NCTM standards.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Project-Based Learning
USA Today Education < www.usatoday.com/educate/projects/projects.htm > [4 Dec 04]
Weekly  Alice Scavarda 
To encourage innovation in the classroom: Project-Based Learning projects created by USA today. Also linked from the site are daily lesson plans for USA today issue. available the night before the paper comes out.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Leading for the Success of All Students
ACSD (2004) < www.ascd.org/publications/class_lead/200405/furney.html#ref* > [4 Dec 04]
  Alice Scavarda 
Article from ACSD identifying process for change in inclusion; Identifies specific issues which need atttention in order to effect change. Helps address 'How to make change happen?'  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< cue.org/newsletter/index.html > [24 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  mark Tennyson 
  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Learning & Leading with technology
< www.iste.org/LL/about/ > [24 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  mark Tennyson 
  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender forum
< www.genderforum.uni-koeln.de/ > [24 Jan 05]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
an internet platform for gender and women's studies  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
A guide to flaming
Andrew Heenan < www.advicemeant.com/flame/ > [10 Jan 05]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Definition of Flaming
< en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaming > [10 Jan 05]
Case Study  mark Tennyson 
This site has a definition of flaming and information on flame wars  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
definition of flaming
< en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaming > [10 Jan 05]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
The last one should have been weekly  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
web filtering proponent
< www.cdwg.com/webcontent/editorialg/software/082802_WebFilteringProtectionEducation.asp > [18 Jan 05]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
An article in favor of web filtering.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
internet dating
< www.nytimes.com/2004/12/12/fashion/12DATE.html?ex=1106110800&en=d3c33c964d63d914&ei=5070 > [18 Jan 05]
Case Study  mark Tennyson 
This is an article about how internet dating is slowing  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
an anti-filtering stance
< www.libraryspot.com/features/internetfilters.htm > [18 Jan 05]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
Links to information on censorship on the net  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.match.com/matchscene/articleTS.aspx?articleid=1881&trackingid=0 > [18 Jan 05]
Case Study  mark Tennyson 
Success stories.in internet dating  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Michele Borba
< www.micheleborba.com/ > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
This is the website for Michele Borba. Shelly mentioned her book last week  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Using WebQuests in Your Classroom
< pd.l2l.org/linktuts/inteweb.htm > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  mark Tennyson 
K-12 educators and university professors around the world are working together to develop new, innovative ways to bring the Internet into their curriculum, and then sharing their successful implementations with others via the World Wide Web.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Helping Teachers Use The Internet Effectively
Susan Brooks and Bill Byles < www.internet4classrooms.com/ > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Great links, resources, tutorials, newletters, and grant information for using the Internet effectively in the classroom  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Integrate the Internet into the Classroom
< www.cln.org/integrating.html > [13 Dec 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
A collection of resources for integrating the Internet into the Classroom. Links to Ask an Expert, Background Info., Educ. Listservs, email, keypal, and Internet projects.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Tech. Learning - Resource for Education Technology Leaders
Dean Pape (2004) < www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=52601926 > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Good article on Collision Between F2F & Online Discussion with related links  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Basic Psychological Features of Cyberspace
John Suler, Ph.D. < www.rider.edu/~suler/psycyber/basicfeat.html > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Article discusses basic psychological features of cyberspace: reduced sensations, texting, identity flexibility, altered perceptions, equalized status, transcended space, temporal flexibility, social multiplicity, recordablility, amd media disruption.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Flame Wars, Flooding, Kicking and Spamming
Yaara Di Segni Garbasz < www.djscorpio.freeserve.co.uk/papers/PSA.html > [2 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Flame Wars, Flooding, Kicking and Spamming: Expressions of Aggression in the Virtual Community  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
MiddleWeb - Exploring Middle School Reform
John Norton < www.middleweb.com/ContntsTchDev.html > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
A vast array of Teacher Professional Develpment resources. Also links to pages on curriculum and teaching strategies.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teacher-To-Teacher Workshops
< www.paec.org/teacher2teacher/ > [6 Dec 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
The U.S. Dept. of Ed. has brought together some of the nation's most effective teachers and education experts to share with their colleagues research-based practices and effective methods of using data to inform instruction that have been successfully applied in the classroom.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chat Room Used in Case Study
< chatter.flooble.com/ > [17 Jan 05]
Case Study  Shelly Yamashiro 
Place where you can put a free message box on your web page and let your visitors leave messages to you and each other.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Chatdanger: How to Keep Safe While Chatting Online
< www.chatdanger.com/ > [17 Jan 05]
Case Study  Shelly Yamashiro 
A site all about the potential dangers on interactive services online like chat, IM, online games, email and on mobiles. Read about true stories and find out how to chat safely.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Being Smart About Online Relationships
Rose Vines < www.geekgirls.com/net_online_relationships.htm > [17 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Tips for handling online relationships: avoid the dangers and reap the rewards  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Marketing Pornography on the Information Superhighway
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University < www.sics.se/~psm/kr9512-001.html > [17 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
The first systematic study of pornography on the Internet. Pornography is being vigorously marketed in increasingly sophisticated ways.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Onlline Vs. Traditional Classroom
< is.asu.edu/islab/Jeff's%20New%20Pages/research1.htm > [10 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Comparative research about the online vs. traditional classroom. Links to several studies.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics in a Synchronous Cooperative Learning Environment
David Zola, Najmuddin Shaik, Bret Hitchings < www.l2l.org/iclt/2000/papers/227a.pdf > [10 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
A study on Group Dynamics in a Synchronous Cooperative Learning Environment Using Real-time Web Conferencing Technology.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Group Dynamics
Carter McNamara < www.mapnp.org/library/grp_skll/theory/theory.htm > [10 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Great information on the basic nature of groups and how they develop. Includes related library links and online discussion groups, newletters, etc.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
The Internet and Your Family
American Academy of Pediatrics < www.aap.org/family/interfamily.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Great site about how to guide and teach children how to use the Internet so their experience on the Internet is safe, educational, and fun.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
< www.cue.org > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Shelly Yamashiro 
The focus audience is comprised ob educators and others (primarily members of Computer-Using Educators) interested in promoting the effective use of technology in education.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
T.H.E. Journal
< www.thejournal.com/ > [23 Jan 05]
Magazines/Periodicals (2 posts)  Shelly Yamashiro 
Articles from educators involved in integrating technology on their campuses and into their curricula.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender, Sex and the Web
Marj Kibby (2001) < www.newcastle.edu.au/discipline/sociol-anthrop/staff/kibbymarj/gender.html > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
This CyberStudies Resources site provides links to several online articles regarding gender issues on the Internet.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Beginner's Guide to Life and the Internet
Joe Brady (2003) < members.aol.com/JB44/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
As the title explains, this is a guide to the Internet. Topics include tour of the web, surfing tips, links for searching, guides to chat, net jargon, and more.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Issues on the Internet
N. Jones, K. Ladniak, & P.J. O'Sullivan < socserv2.mcmaster.ca/soc/courses/stpp4C03/ClassEssay/gender.htm > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Gender Issues on the Internet is just one section is this collaborative essay cosisting of research and policy recommendations on the impact of the Internet in society.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Gender Issues
< compnetworking.about.com/cs/networkgender/ > [23 Jan 05]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Many links to research devoted to the potential differences and inequalities between men and women in network access and usage patterns.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Brain Research Internet Resources
Ken Bailey (1999) < tiger.coe.missouri.edu/~map/edulinks/brain.html > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
This site provides some great internet resouces dealing with brain research. It is subdivided into 3 areas: Brain Research, Multiple Intelligence, and Learning Styles.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Classroom Compass: Learning on the Brain
< www.sedl.org/scimath/compass/v03n02/welcome.html > [28 Nov 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
Great information on how brain research can help in education, mathematics communications, the ways we learn, and resources and opportunities  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Teaching Tips Index
< honolulu.hawaii.edu/intranet/committees/FacDevCom/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htm > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
A great directory of teaching tips. Some topics include How People Learn, Motivating Students, Critical Thinking etc. In the How People Learn section, there are some good excerpts about how students learn vs. how we teach.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete
Moral Development and Moral Education
Larry Nucci (2002) < tigger.uic.edu/~lnucci/MoralEd/overview.html > [21 Nov 04]
Weekly  Shelly Yamashiro 
An overview of moral development and moral education. Highlights include classroom practices, assessment, featured articles, and related websites.  Edit this entryEdit   Script to delete this entryDelete