• abolish
  • acquire
  • adapt
  • admonish
  • affirm
  • coerce
  • curtail
  • defer
  • divulge
  • implore
  • ambush
  • contour
  • guile
  • jargon
  • labyrinth
  • medley
  • rapture
  • robot
  • verge
  • zephyr
  • (Correct errors in paragraph for Grammar 1.10)


    Steve Jobs whom is a modern genius lived an interesting in life. The life he lived abolished what most peopled would be deem as common sense. He attended Reed College in Oregon portland  but drop out  of the school. but the college permitted him to attend classes as an auditor and he acquired knowledge and skills would later use in his adapted life when he founded apple computers with Steve Wozniack. Although many friends thought he was being foolish and admonished him for his seemingly erratic behavior he affirmed that no one but he could make decisions regarding his life. Many tried to coerce him to act otherwise in an attempt to curtail his actions. But Steve Jobs did not defer to their suggestions. Instead he led his life which divulged a business acumen coupled with obsessive behavior which implored perfection in others but not in himself. Once he ambushed business associates who had been with him since the beginning of Apple Computers by not granting them any shares in the company when it went public. The contours of his logic made sense only to himself at times. He used guile in his business and in his personal life. He did not even acknowledge his daughter and would not adopted her even though she was obviously his father. he created a jargon that others found unintelligible creating a labyrinth of misunderstanding at Apple Computers. The medley of confusion that he caused led to his loss of his company.  However, a dozen years later, the rapture of being reinstated in Apple gave him great satisfaction. The robotic functioning of Apple Computers put the company of the verge of bankruptcy, but Steve Job's reinstatement gave the company a zephyr of new life.