Prompt for University of Oregon: The UO is interested in learning more about you. Write an essay (500 words maximum) that shares information that we cannot find elsewhere on your application. Any topic you choose is welcome. Some ideas you might consider include your future ambitions and goals, a special talent or unusual interest that sets you apart from your peers, or a significant experience that influenced your life.

Personal Statement:

     September 17th, 2011, it was a Saturday, a bright and sunny day in Placentia. I was with my club soccer team and we had already previously played a game that day. Our coach told us to meet at the field at 3:00 and that was it, he said he had a surprise for us. My whole team was wondering what it could be, we were all eager to find out what it was. As 3:00 came closer we all started to get nervous. My team showed up to the field at around 2:45 and all we saw was a field, two goals, and another team. We were all angry because we had to play yet another game and none of us had the energy to play again. We saw our coach, Skip, and a woman walking up to us. She soon informed us that her name was Tracy and that we were one of the teams selected to participate in the program Top Soccer. We all had a confused look on our face. She said Top Soccer was a program where they allow physically and mentally challenged kids to play soccer. She said that we were going to play with their older division, which was kids around the age of 18 and up. We put out cleats, shin guards, and jerseys on and were ready to play. They blew the whistle, the game was on. As we watched how these kids faces lit up as they played and how much fun they were having we didn’t care about anything else. As I stood on the field a girl about 5’0” was next to me. I introduced myself. She then said her name was Chassidy. Chassidy had a Autism. As I stood next to her she started talking to me and I realized how lucky I am. Everyone of my teammates bonded with one of the kids in some way or another. We saw a kid, who was playing in the younger division, that was in a wheelchair. His dream was to be able to walk one day and play goalie. This made me think to my self, people these days take everything they have for granted. After the game, we all talked and took pictures. I sat down and talked with Chassidy, she informed me that she had a boyfriend on the team, and when he walked over there was so much joy on her face that it made me tear up. We said our goodbyes and walked away. As I got into the car, I thought to myself how lucky I am that I had the opportunity to do this, and I am so thankful for everyone and everything I have in my life. This experience has truly changed my life, and this moment will forever stay in my heart, as will Chassidy.